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王莉莉1; 刘亦仁2   

  1. 1.湖北省医学科学院(武汉,430070);2.湖北药检高等专科学校
  • 出版日期:1996-06-20 发布日期:1996-06-20

The Known Species of Anopheles Mosquitoes and its Relation to Diseases in Hubei Province

Wang Li-li;et al   

  1. Institute of Parasitic Diseases,Hubei Academy of Medical Sciences,Wuhan,430071
  • Online:1996-06-20 Published:1996-06-20

摘要: 湖北省已发现中华按蚊、嗜人按蚊、八代按蚊、贵阳按蚊、林氏按蚊、巨型按蚊贝氏亚种、微小按蚊、潘氏按蚊、多斑按蚊、溪流按蚊、日月潭按蚊等11种。根据调查研究,认为中华按蚊为湖北省疟疾及马来丝虫的重要传播媒介;嗜人按蚊亦为疟疾传播媒介,在疟疾流行间歇期间起着保存病灶的作用。

关键词: 按蚊种类, 疾病传播, 疟疾, 马来丝虫病

Abstract: From the review of literature and the examination of material in our collection, it showed that there are 11 species of Anopheles mosquitoes in Hubei province. They are An. sinensis, An. anthropophagus, An. Yatsushiroensis, An.kweiyangensis, An. lindesayi, An. gigas baileyi, An. minimus, An. pattoni, An. maculatus, An. fluviatilis, An.jeyporiensis candidiensis. A discussion was also made on the relationship between the species of Anopheles and the diseases. The writers considered that An. sinensis played an important role in the epidemic of malaria and filariasis in Hubei province. An. anthropophagus was also the malaria vector, It was considered that An. anthropophagus played an important role in the intermission period of malaria epidemic.