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佘建军; 黄重安; 姜克俭   

  1. 陕西省卫生防疫站 西安710054
  • 出版日期:1995-08-20 发布日期:1995-08-20

Studies on the Host Animals and Chigger Mites from Natural Focus of Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever (Apodemus type)in Shanxi Province

She jian-jun; Huang Chong-an   

  1. Health and Anti-Epidemic Station of Shanxi Province, Xian 710054
  • Online:1995-08-20 Published:1995-08-20

摘要: 本文报道1992年12月至1993年12月对户县惠安化工厂肾综合征出血热(HFRS)自然疫源地宿主动物和恙螨的调查结果。1.捕获403只小兽,隶属2目7属8种,黑线姬鼠占捕获数的73.7%为优势种,其带螨率较高(74.65%);鼠密度高峰在10~12月份,11月份最高。2.收集恙螨39239只,隶属3亚科5属6种,亚须纤恙螨占60.34%,季节高峰在11,12月份,指数分别为314.83和239.75,占该两月恙螨总数的99.3%和99.6%;小盾纤恙螨占39.39%,季节高峰在10月份,指数为514.48,占该月份恙螨总数的99.9%。3.大仓鼠寄生恙螨6种,黑线姬鼠寄生4种;亚须纤恙螨和小盾纤恙螨宿主广泛,无特异宿主。4.本文结果表明:亚须纤恙螨在HFRS传播中可能起重要作用,这为进一步开展病毒学研究提供了线索。

关键词: 黑线姬鼠, 小盾纤恙螨, 亚须纤恙螨, 肾综合征出血热, 传播媒介

Abstract: The present survey was carried out from December,1992 to December.1993 in Huian Chemical Plant natural focus of HFRS in Shanxi Province.1.Altogether 403 small mammals were collected in the endemic area, they were identified as eight species.belonging to seven genera,two orders,the predominant species of host animals was Apodemus agrarius, the constituent rate was 73.7%,and the constituent rate of Cricetulus triton was l6.13%.The density of rodents was higher from October to December,the highest in November.2.Altogether 39239 specimens of cligger mites from small mammals in the area was determined, and the six species of chigger mites belonged to five genera, three subfamilies. The chigger mites L.subpalpale was a dominant species for the area, the constituent rate was 60.34%, the density of the larva was higher in November and December.The constituent rate of L.scutellare was 39.39%,the density of the larva was higher in october.3.Cricetulus triton was parasited by six species of chigger mites. The infected rate was 61.11%. Apodemus agrarius by four species, the infected rate was 74.65%. Hosts of L.subpalpale and L.scutellare were extensive and indistinctive.4.Chigger mites L.scutellare spreading HFRSV has been verified.L.subpalpale may play the part of medium in spreading HFRSV,that is an interesting problem and should be investigated further.