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廖国厚*; 赖初麟   

  1. 广西自治区寄生虫病防治研究所 南宁530021; 广西自治区卫生防疫站
  • 出版日期:1995-02-20 发布日期:1995-02-20

A Survey of Ixodidae distribution in Guangxi

Liao Guo-hou;Lai Chu-lin   

  1. Department of Medical Entomology, Guangxi Institute for Parasitic Diseases Control 80 Tao Yuan Road, Nanjing, Guangxi,530021 P.R.C.,Department of bacteriology, Guangxi Sanitary &Anti-epidmic Centre
  • Online:1995-02-20 Published:1995-02-20

摘要: 广西已知硬蜱(Ixodidae)有6属11种,其中缅甸血蜱、厚体盲花埤、嗜鸟血蜱和短小扇头蜱为省内硬蜱的新记录。我们采集并鉴定169头成蜱,微小牛蜱占50.3%,可能为广西的硬蜱优势种。调查龙胜林区34人,资源林区112人,有明确蜱咬史的分别为28人和93人,叮咬率达82.4%和83.0%,且男性高于女性。林工工龄越长,有蜱咬史率越高。人体被蜱叮咬部位多为两下肢。

关键词: 硬蜱, 分布, 叮咬

Abstract: A Survey of Ixodidae distribution among the forestry area where Iyme disease were suspected has been undertaken.Result showed that 11 species of six genera have been found.Four species,Haemaphysalis birmaniae,Aponomma crassipes,Haemaphysal is ornithophila and Rhipicephalus pumilio are new record in Guangxi.In most cases the Boophilus microplus is the predominant species in the Ixodidae population in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.The proportion of residents bitten by tick reached as high as 82.4~83%,the male is higher than the female.And the history of bite by tick was increased as the forestry workers working history increased.The Main bitten parts are concentrated in the lower limbs.