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刘志龙; 李仲来   

  1. 中国预防医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究所 北京102206; 北京师范大学数学系
  • 出版日期:1993-10-20 发布日期:1993-10-20

Study on the Relative Fatness of the Brandt's Vole,Microtus brandti

Liu Zhi-long* Li Zhong-lai#   

  1. *Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology,Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine,P.o.Box 5,Changping,Beijing 102206,P.R.C.#Department of Mathematics,Beijing Normal university,Beijing 100375
  • Online:1993-10-20 Published:1993-10-20

摘要: 用体重与体长立方的比值作为肥满度,布氏田鼠雌、雄性肥满度间无显著性差异;越冬鼠的肥满度显著高于当年生鼠。季节变化趋势:越冬鼠肥满度存季较高,夏季降低;当年生鼠春季较高,夏季降低,秋季又增火,这种趋势反映了布氏田鼠的能量分配对策。种群数量上升与下降年份,布氏田鼠肥满度亦存在显著性差异。这种表示啮齿类身体状况的肥满度,可作为预测种群数量变动的一项指标。

关键词: 布氏田鼠, 肥满度

Abstract: The relative fatness of Brandt's voles was calculated by the following formula: K=W/L3, W stands for body mass and L represents body lenghth There were no significant sexual differences with respect to relative fatness and the over winterings were fatter than voles born of this year.There were seasonal variations in the relative fatness.The fatness of overwlnterings decreased from April to July .But that of voles born of this year were highest in Spring and decreased during Summer, then increased in Autumn. This seasonal change pattern of relative fatness reflected the tactics of Voles'alloting energy between their offsprings and themselves. The relative fatness of population-increasing-year was significantly higher than that of population-decreasing-year.