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潘志明; 罗惠容; 邱季春; 刘树国; 黄源华; 刘津成; 廖育煌; 雷凌冰; 张泽森; 胡志刚   

  1. 广州市卫生防疫站 广州510080
  • 出版日期:1992-10-20 发布日期:1992-10-20

Two sero-type Dengue fever prevalence in Guangzhou city at first time

Pan Zhiming;et al   

  1. Sanitary and antiepidemic station Guangzhou city
  • Online:1992-10-20 Published:1992-10-20

摘要: 1991年4~11月,广州市发生了两个血清型别的登革热流行,病例数258例,发病率4.35/10万;死亡3例,病死率1.17%。前期以散发的登革Ⅳ型为主,后期呈局部性登革Ⅰ型病毒流行。在分离到的51株登革病毒中,登革Ⅰ型病毒45株,Ⅳ型6株。123例双份血清补结试验结果表明,有74例恢复期血清抗体滴度≥4倍升高,其中Den-1为60例,Den-4为14例。DHF/DSS病例占9.67%。实践证明,广州市对登革热流行采取的预防监测系统的控制措施,已达到监测散发病例的水平,两个血清型别的流行在国内尚属首次。

关键词: 登革热, 登革Ⅰ, Ⅳ型病毒, 监测能力

Abstract: From April to November in 1991, There are 258 Dengue fever cases reporied in Guang zhon. The morbidity was 4.35 per 100000 population, three ecases died, the mortality is 1.17 percent. In the pre-prevalence stage, is mainly sporatic cases patients who affected with Dengue four (Ⅳ) sero type virus, but in the postprevalence stage is mainly Dengue Ⅰ sero type. There are 51 Dengue virus strains were isolated, of which 45 strains were sero-type Ⅰ. and 6 strains were sero-type four (Ⅳ).complement test titers for sero from recovery patients were four times as higher than that of acute-phase, iucluding in 60 cases of Dengue Ⅰ sero-type, and 14 cases of Dengue four serotype. Through the epidmeiological observations, it generally showed that the prevantive monitoring system used is very effective measures for control against Dengue fever.