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  1. 中国预防医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究 北京102206
  • 出版日期:1992-10-20 发布日期:1992-10-20

Study on Tendency Prediction of Population Fluctuation of Brandt's Voles

Liu Zhilong   

  1. Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, P.O Box5. ChangPing. Beijing 102206. PRC
  • Online:1992-10-20 Published:1992-10-20

摘要: 布氏田鼠种群季节消长为单峰型,年际动态没有周期性。通过分析该鼠繁殖特征、生活史特征及种群结构,提出了5个对预测种群数量动态趋势有价值的指标,即:4月下半月越冬田鼠的怀孕率;4月下半月越冬鼠平均胴体重:越冬鼠春季(4~5月)平均胎仔数:5月下半月当年生鼠占种群的比例;当年生鼠开始繁殖的时间。同时对该鼠种群数量波动机制进行讨论。

关键词: 布氏田鼠, 种群趋势, 预测指标

Abstract: The seasonal population fluctuation of Microtus brandti is one peak and population fluctuation among years has no periodity. By analysising the reproduction and life history characteristics and population structure, we suggest five useful indexes which could predict the trendency of population dynamics. These indexes are as follows: the pregnant rate of overwintering voles in Late April, the mean net body masses(or body mass excluding abdominal viscera)of Overwintering voles in Late April: the mean litter size of overwintering voles in Spring(April—May), the ratio of voles born of this year to population in Late May: the time of pregnancy of voles born of this year. Some discussions on mechanism of popalation fluctuation of Microtus brandti have been given.