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朱志康; 邓址   

  1. 海军医学研究所; 军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所 上海200433
  • 出版日期:1990-02-20 发布日期:1990-02-20

Comparation of Anticoagulative Effects of coumarin Rodenticides

Zhu Zhikang; Deng Zhi   

  1. Depertment of Vector Biology and Contro1,Instituteof Microbiology and Epidemiology
  • Online:1990-02-20 Published:1990-02-20

摘要: 为了比较第一代和第二代香豆素类药物作用特点,对杀鼠灵、杀鼠迷,大隆作了抗凝血效应动态观察。结果发现,在1/3口服急性LD50剂量水平下,3个药物组的大白鼠从6小时开始Pt值高于正常对照组,48小时达到高峰,96小时已有不同程度的恢复,在144小时完全恢复。杀鼠灵和杀鼠迷的峰值超过大隆(P<0.01),但大隆恢复缓慢,在96小时仍为59.69秒,明显高于其余2组(P<0.01),反映出第二代香豆素类药物的作用时间比第一代持久的特点。杀鼠灵组和大隆组在144小时甚至出现Pt值低于正常对照组现象(P<0.01),其原因尚不清楚,有待进一步研究。

关键词: 香豆素类灭鼠剂, 抗凝血效应, 凝血酶原时间

Abstract: In order to study the difference between the first and the second generations of coumarin rodenticides, the continuous anticoagulative effects of warfarin, coumatetra-lyl and brodifacoum in albino rats for 384 hrs. were compared. After administration of 1/3 LD50(mg/kg)by oral, the prothrombin time(Pt) of poisoned rats began abnormal in 6 hrs. , reached maximum in 48 hrs. , declined dramatically in diffreent degrees in 96 hrs. , and recovered completely in 144 hrs. The peak effect of warfarin or coumatetralyl was higher than that of brodifacoum, but the effect of brodifacoum persisted longer. The average Pt at 96 hrs. was 59.69 sec. , which is much higher than those of the other two groups (P<0.01). This shows that the effect of second generation coumarin is more persistent. Unexpectedly, Pt of wasfarin or coumatetralyl groups is even lower than that of control group(P<0.01)at 144 hrs. , but the reason of this phenominon is not known.