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陈宏伟; 刘维德   

  1. 中国科学院上海昆虫研究所 上海200025
  • 出版日期:1990-02-20 发布日期:1990-02-20

The Relationship Between the Reproduction in the Cadaver of Mosquito Larvae and It's Residual Activity

Chen Hongwei; Liu Weide   

  1. Shanghai Instiute of Ento-mology,Academia Sinica
  • Online:1990-02-20 Published:1990-02-20

摘要: 本研究发现,在实验室条件下,球形芽孢杆菌(Bacillus Sphaericus简称B.S)能在淡色库蚊(Culex pipiens Pallens)幼虫尸体内繁殖。无论何种水质,B.S.均能利用蚊幼虫尸体作为培养基而生存和繁殖。在蚊幼虫摄食B.S.24小时后出现一个数量的低谷,可能为部分B.S.被幼虫肠道消化所致。随后出现持续上升,至96小时B.S.数量达到高峰,且B.S.营养体形成它的对蚊幼虫高毒性的孢子形式。随着幼虫的腐败,B.S.被释放到水环境中具高毒效。但野外现场观察,这种利用尸体为培养基增殖现象,即使在幼虫密度较高的情况下,也不能达到控制幼虫孳生的目的,并无灭蚊的实践意义。

关键词: 球形芽孢杆菌, 繁殖, 淡色库蚊

Abstract: This experiment revealed that the cavader of Culex pipiens pallens larvae play a role of special culture medium for the Bacillus shaericus regardless in the clean or polluted water. The amount of B. S. spore declined to a lower point after 24 hr when the larvae feed the spore. After that, the amount increased and reached the peak at 96 hr and showed the high toxic against the mosquito larvae of Culex pipiens pallens. However, because the size of most breeding place of this mosquitoes are so large, this phenomenum without any applicable significance to control the breeding places of Culex pipiens pallens.