中国媒介生物学及控制杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 657-663.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.8280.2024.06.006

• 媒介生物监测 • 上一篇    下一篇


马丽华1, 高文1, 王喜明1, 张晓杰1,2, 李兵3, 赵丽萍4, 韩晓莉1, 宋纪文1, 赵勇1   

  1. 1. 河北省疾病预防控制中心有害生物防治所, 河北 石家庄 050021;
    2. 华北理工大学公共卫生学院, 河北 唐山 063210;
    3. 秦皇岛市疾病预防控制中心, 河北 秦皇岛 066000;
    4. 衡水市疾病预防控制中心, 河北 衡水 053000
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-17 出版日期:2024-12-20 发布日期:2024-12-20
  • 通讯作者: 赵勇,
  • 作者简介:马丽华,女,硕士,主任技师,主要从事病媒生物监测与分类工作,
  • 基金资助:

An analysis of fly ecological surveillance results in Hebei Province, China, 2011-2023

MA Li-hua1, GAO Wen1, WANG Xi-ming1, ZHANG Xiao-jie1,2, LI Bing3, ZHAO Li-ping4, HAN Xiao-li1, SONG Ji-wen1, ZHAO Yong1   

  1. 1. Institute for Vector Control, Hebei Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050021, China;
    2. School of Public Health, North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan, Hebei 063210, China;
    3. Qinhuangdao Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Qinhuangdao, Hebei 066000, China;
    4. Hengshui Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hengshui, Hebei 053000, China
  • Received:2024-04-17 Online:2024-12-20 Published:2024-12-20
  • Supported by:
    Medical Science Research Program in Hebei Province (No. 20220784)

摘要: 目的 掌握河北省蝇类种类构成、密度、生境分布及季节消长等特征,为河北省蝇类防制提供科学依据。方法 2011-2023年4-11月,在河北省17个市、县蝇类监测质控点选择农贸市场、餐饮外环境、绿化带和居民区4类生境,采用笼诱法糖醋诱饵进行蝇密度监测,使用WPS Excel 和R 4.2.2软件处理数据,并采用χ2检验、t检验、方差分析、Kruskal-Wallis H检验和Friedman检验分析蝇种构成,比较不同种类、不同年份、不同月份、不同生境和不同地区蝇密度差异及其季节消长变化规律。结果 2011-2023年河北省共布放诱蝇笼9 349个,捕蝇42 647只,平均蝇密度为4.56只/笼,优势种群为家蝇、厩腐蝇、麻蝇科蝇类和丝光绿蝇,分别占捕获总数的52.91%、13.46%、9.26%和5.54%。河北省2019-2023年蝇类总密度呈下降趋势。蝇类总密度季节消长呈单峰型,峰值在8月,密度达7.25只/笼。不同生境蝇密度季节消长亦呈单峰型,7-8月达到峰值。4种生境中,农贸市场蝇密度最高,达6.13只/笼,其次是居民区、绿化带和餐饮外环境,不同生境蝇密度差异有统计学意义(Q=26.012,P<0.001)。2011-2020年,农贸市场蝇密度最高,2021-2023年绿化带蝇密度最高,不同生境蝇密度年度消长变化差异有统计学意义(F=15.541,P<0.001)。河北省南部地区平均蝇密度为5.88只/笼,北部地区为3.98只/笼,南、北部地区蝇密度差异有统计学意义(t=-3.055,P=0.009)。结论 河北省蝇类的主要防制对象是家蝇、厩腐蝇、麻蝇科蝇类和丝光绿蝇,农贸市场是重点防制场所,近年绿化带蝇密度有所上升,蝇类活动高峰期在7-8月,各地区应结合当地蝇类活动规律,在蝇类发生高峰期前采取防制措施。

关键词: 蝇类, 生态学监测, 密度, 季节消长, 质控点

Abstract: Objective To investigate the species composition, density, habitat distribution, and seasonal fluctuations of fly in Hebei Province, China, so as to provide a scientific basis for fly control in Hebei Province. Methods From April to November in 2011 to 2023, fly density was monitored using cage traps with sugar-vinegar baits at four types of habitats (farmers' markets, catering surroundings, green belts, and residential areas) in the fly surveillance areas of 17 cities and counties. WPS Excel and R 4.2.2 softwares were used to process the data. The species composition of fly was analyzed and fly density and fluctuations between different species were compared in different years, months, habitats and regions by using the Chi-square test, t-test, analysis of variance, Kruskal-Wallis H test, and Friedman test. Results From 2011 to 2023, a total of 9 349 cages were placed in Hebei Province, trapping a total of 42 647 flies, with an average density of 4.56 flies/cage. The dominant populations were Musca domestica, Muscina stabulans, Sarcophagidae flies, and Lucilia sericata, accounting for 52.91%, 13.46%, 9.26%, and 5.54% of the total catches, respectively. In 2019-2023, the total density of flies in Hebei Province showed a downward trend. Fly total density showed a single peak in August at a density of 7.25 flies/cage, and the unimodal pattern occurred in all habitats, with peaks in July to August. Among the four types of habitats, the density of flies in farmers' markets was highest, reaching 6.13 flies/cage, followed by residential areas, green belts, and catering surroundings, showing a significant difference in fly density between different habitats (Q=26.012, P<0.001). Fly density was highest in farmers' markets from 2011 to 2020 and highest in green belts from 2021 to 2023, with a significant difference in annual density fluctuation between different habitats (F=15.541, P<0.001). The average fly density in southern Hebei was 5.88 flies/cage, while that in the northern region was 3.98 flies/cage, which were significantly different (t=-3.055, P=0.009). Conclusions The focus of fly control in Hebei Province should be on Musca domestica, Muscina stabulans, Sarcophagidae flies, and L. sericata and in farmers' markets. In recent years, the density of flies in green belts has increased. The peak period of fly activity is from July to August. The control measures should be taken before the peak period according to the law of fly activity in different regions of Hebei Province.

Key words: Fly, Ecological surveillance, Density, Seasonal fluctuation, Quality control point
