中国媒介生物学及控制杂志 ›› 2020, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 335-339.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.8280.2020.03.018

• 媒介生物的分类与区系系列报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


巴桑1, 登增多杰1, 文祥兵1, 马兵成1, 杨晓东1, 许翔2, 李春富2, 李春敏2, 周红宁2, 龚正达2,3   

  1. 1 林芝市疾病预防控制中心地方病防治科, 西藏 林芝 860100;
    2 云南省寄生虫病防治所, 云南省虫媒病毒研究中心, 云南省虫媒传染病防控研究重点实验室, 云南 普洱 665099;
    3 云南省地方病防治所, 云南 大理 671000
  • 收稿日期:2020-04-01 出版日期:2020-06-20 发布日期:2020-06-20
  • 通讯作者: 龚正达,
  • 作者简介:巴桑,女,藏族,助理医师,主要从事地方病预防控制工作,
  • 基金资助:

Taxonomy and fauna of Siphonaptera in Tibet autonomous region, China Ⅱ. Discovery of three species of the genus Neopsylla in Tibet for the first time

BA Sang1, DENGZENG Duo-jie1, WEN Xiang-bing1, MA Bing-cheng1, YANG Xiao-dong1, XU Xiang2, LI Chun-fu2, LI Chun-min2, ZHOU Hong-ning2, GONG Zheng-da2,3   

  1. 1 Linzhi Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Linzhi 860100, Xizang(Tibet) Autonomous Region, China;
    2 Yunnan Institute of Parasitic Diseases Control and Prevention, Yunnan Provincial Center of Arborvirus Research, Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Vector-borne Diseases Control and Research;
    3 Yunnan Institute of Endemic Diseases Control and Prevention
  • Received:2020-04-01 Online:2020-06-20 Published:2020-06-20
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30460124,30860250)

摘要: 目的 调查和了解西藏自治区(西藏)东南部蚤类区系与分布的状况,为进一步开展该地区蚤类区系的研究提供基础依据。方法 以藏东南林芝市为调查研究的空间范围,不同海拔高度农耕区的小型兽类及其寄生蚤作为研究对象,应用大号鼠夹对小型兽类进行调查取样并采集其体表寄生蚤,所获标本在实验室分类和鉴定。结果 在采获的1批新蚤属(Neopsylla Wagner,1903)标本中,发现有红羊新蚤(N.hongyangensis Li,Bai et Chen,1986)、特新蚤裂亚种[N.specialis schismatosa(Li,1980)]和二毫新蚤(N.biseta Li et Hsieh,1964)3物种,为西藏地区首次发现,是当地物种新纪录。将这3个蚤种的主要鉴别特征、分布区、宿主动物及以实物作为凭证标本绘制的雌、雄性尾器结构图等内容分别进行了记述和报道。此外,对各蚤种的地理分布和分类中存在的问题分别进行了讨论。结论 迄今,西藏已知分布的新蚤属共8种(亚种)。

关键词: 新蚤属, 3物种, 新纪录, 西藏自治区

Abstract: Objective To investigate the fauna and distribution of fleas in the southeast of Tibet autonomous region (Tibet), and to provide a basis for further research on flea fauna in the region. Methods With Linzhi in the southeast of Tibet as the research area, small mammals and their parasitic fleas in the farming areas with different altitudes were selected as the research objects. A large rat trap was used for the investigation and sampling of small mammals, their parasitic fleas were collected, and the specimens were classified and identified in the laboratory. Results A batch of flea specimens of Neopsylla Wagner, 1903, were collected, and among them, N. hongyangensis Li, Bai et Chen, 1986, N. specialis schismatosa (Li, 1980) and N. biseta Li et Hsieh, 1964 were discovered for the first time in Tibet and were the new records of local species. This article describes and reports these three species in terms of the main identifying characteristics, distribution areas, host animals, and the structure of female and male terminalia drawn based on the voucher specimens. In addition, this article discusses the problems in the geographical distribution and classification of fleas. Conclusion Up to now, a total of 8 species (subspecies) of Neopsylla have been discovered in Tibet.

Key words: Neopsylla, Three species, New record, Tibet autonomous region
