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  1. 1广东省湛江鼠疫防治研究所 湛江524037;2中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所
  • 出版日期:2007-10-20 发布日期:2007-10-20

Study on effect of insecticide against fleas in the plague nature foci of domestic mice in Leizhou island

ZHANG Tao; XIA Lian-xu; HAI Rong; XU Dong-lei; MAI Hai; LIANG Lian; HU Jie   

  1. Guangdong Provincial Institute of Plague Control and Research, Zhanjiang 524037, China
  • Online:2007-10-20 Published:2007-10-20

摘要: 目的 探讨应用奋斗呐可湿性粉剂对家鼠鼠疫疫源地滞留喷洒后,对其鼠体蚤及地面游离蚤的灭效。方法 将5%的奋斗呐可湿性粉剂配制成1∶160浓度的水悬剂型实施地面滞留喷洒,室内外(包括禽畜圈栏)均匀喷洒(80 ml/m2);墙角、狗窝、鼠洞及有鼠迹的地方重点喷药(150~180 ml/m2);每户用药量按100 g的原药计算。通过灭蚤前后的蚤指数变化情况,调查评估灭效。结果 对鼠体蚤的杀灭效果为33.54%,地面游离蚤的灭效为71.39%。结论 在现场对鼠体蚤的杀灭效果十分有限,但农村室内外环境卫生的综合治理也很重要。

关键词: 5%奋斗呐, 鼠体蚤, 地面游离蚤, 灭蚤率

Abstract: Objective Study on the control ratios of rodents' parasitic flea and ground free flea after resort spraying on the ground in the focus of house mice plague.Methods After diluted the liquid with water(1∶160) 5% Fendona was resort sprayed on the indoor and the outdoor(80 ml/m2) according to per house 100 g the powder,especially on the foot of a wall,the kennel,the holes and traces of rodents(150-180 ml/m2).Through counted control ratios with the indices of rodents' parasitic flea and the ground free flea before the application and after the application.Results The control ratios of rodents parasitic flea and ground free flea are 33.54% and 71.39% respectively.Conclusion On-the-spot the control ratios of rodents' parasitic flea is very limited,but the rural sanitation is key to the question.