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  1. 1福建省卫生防疫站原虫科 福州350001;2福州口岸检验检疫局武夷山办事处
  • 出版日期:2003-04-20 发布日期:2003-04-20

Surveillance on Dengue Vector at Wuyishan City in Fujian Province, China

XU Bao-hai*;WANG Gong-dong;LIN Long-guang   

  1. Fujian Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Fuzhou 350001,China
  • Online:2003-04-20 Published:2003-04-20

摘要: 目的开展登革热媒介监测,预防和控制登革热暴发性流行。方法调查武夷山机场及其毗邻居民村、度假区等环境媒介种类与滋生习性,以布雷图指数计算幼虫种群密度。结果本调查仅查获白纹伊蚊,未发现埃及伊蚊。机场、居民村、度假区白纹伊蚊的布雷图指数分别为15.91、8.90和53.26,其中毗邻机场的旧居民点赤石村布雷图指数高达109.26,是新居民点双利村的5倍。发现白纹伊蚊阳性积水容器13种,机场生活区的阳性积水容器主要为快餐盒和电器包装盒;居民村主要为旧缸罐等容器型积水;度假区主要为旧轮胎和假山积水。结论武夷山旧居民村白纹伊蚊种群密度明显较新村、机场和度假区为高。

关键词: 白纹伊蚊, 滋生习性, 种群密度, 布雷图指数

Abstract: Objective To carry out surveillance on the density and breeding of vector for controlling and preventing of Dengue fever in Wuyishan City.Methods The species and breeding of vector were investigated and the density was caculated by Breteau index in 2001.Results Only Aedes albopictus was found in the localiy.The Breteau index were 15.91 in the airport and 8.90 in the Shangu Holiday region and 53.26 in two villages respectevily.It was five times in the old village of that in the new villages.The small containers were the main breeding habitats for Aedes albopictus,such as snack boxes and the electrical equipment packages in the airport,a large number old jars in villages,tyres and rockery saving water in Shangu Holiday region.Conclusion The density of Aedes albopictus in the old village was higher than that in the other environments such as new village,airport,holiday region in Wuyishan City.