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  1. 河北省保定市卫生防疫站 保定市071000
  • 出版日期:1991-04-20 发布日期:1991-04-20

Survey on breeding feature of fly larva at some special enterprises in Bao ding

Gao Guisheng   

  1. Anti-epidemic station of Bao ding,Hebei province
  • Online:1991-04-20 Published:1991-04-20

摘要: 本文报告保定市肉联厂、畜牧厂、制酒三厂蝇类幼虫孳生情况的调查结果。共发现了5科9属12种,其中舍蝇、丝光绿蝇、大头金蝇、棕尾别麻蝇为优势种,另对蝇类在不同孳生物中的孳生频率和主要蝇类幼虫的季节分布做了调查,并提出防制建议。

关键词: 蝇类幼生, 孳生物, 孳生频率, 季节分布

Abstract: The survey of breeding feature of fly's larvae were carried out at Butchery, Brewery and livestock building in Bao ding area. The result reveal there 12 species, 9 genera and 5 families flies were founded, in which Musea domestica, Lucilia sericata, Chrysomya megacephala and Bercaea erythrura were dominant species in the local. The fecoundity of fly in different places were also investigated, its seasonal variation and dynamic changes were described and worked out the control programme for local authority.