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  1. 1安徽省卫生防疫站 合肥230061;2铁四局卫生防疫站
  • 出版日期:2001-10-20 发布日期:2001-10-20

Study on the Resistance against Ten Insecticides of House Flyin Slaughterhouse of Hefei

HU Xing-qiang; WU Ming-sheng; LI Rong-min; et al   

  1. Sanitation and Antiepidemic Station of Hefei City, Anhui Province Hefei 230061,China
  • Online:2001-10-20 Published:2001-10-20

摘要: 目的:研究屠宰场家蝇的抗药性情况。方法:微量点滴法测出卫生杀虫剂对家蝇的致死中量。结果:家蝇对10种卫生杀虫剂敏感程度不同,其中对氯菊酯最敏感,对益必添和甲醚菊酯产生了耐药性,对其他杀虫剂产生了抗药性,对溴氰菊酯和敌敌畏抗性最高;溴氰菊酯的抗性发展速度最快,氯菊酯的抗性发展速度较慢。结论:从抗药性角度考虑,氯菊酯可以优先用于屠宰场家蝇防制。

关键词: 屠宰场, 家蝇, 抗药性

Abstract: Objective:To study the resistance against ten insecticides of houseflies in slaughterhouse in Hefei city.An hui province.Methods:House flies in slaughterhouse were tested for resistance to ten insecticides(Permethrin,Alphamethrin,Esbiothrin,Tetramethrin,Methothrin,Deltamethrin,dichlorovos,Trichlophon,Acephate,Bassa) by median lethal dose(LD50).Result:The flies were highly resistant to Deltamethrin and Dichlorovos(more than 100 times),and susceptible or tolerant to Permethrin,Esbiothrin and Methothrin.Conclusion:In slaughterhouse house flies control by chemical method should be selected the suitable insecticide just as Permethrin.