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  1. 山东省临沂市河东区卫生防疫站 临沂276034
  • 出版日期:2001-06-20 发布日期:2001-06-20

Study on Effect of Controlling the Field Rodents in Large Scale by Bromophosacetim

YANG Yong-biao; SUN Yun-lun   

  1. Health and Anti-Epidemic Station of Hedong District,Linyi, Shandong Province 276034
  • Online:2001-06-20 Published:2001-06-20

摘要: 目的:观察溴代毒鼠磷的灭鼠效果。方法:以粘附法配制毒饵,采取等距离投毒。结果:溴代毒鼠磷对农田害鼠的灭效达98.39%,且见效快、对鸡较安全,灭后半年内鼠密度一直在2%以下。结论:该药适口性好,耗粮少,灭效高,可作为农田大面积灭鼠的轮换药物。

关键词: 溴代毒鼠磷, 农田害鼠, 灭效

Abstract: It was observed that the efficacy of Bromophosacetim against rodents with poison bait made of adhesion and given poison bait equidistantly.The rate of deratization was 98.36% to the field rodents.After rodent control,rodents'density was lower than 2%.The rodenticide give the result quickly and was safe to roost and consumes a little corn,efficiency of elimination is good,and it can be used for rodent control in a large scale as replacement now.