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黄文丽; 张海林; 龚鹤琴; 张云智; 米竹青; 王静林   

  1. 云南省流行病防治研究所 大理671000
  • 出版日期:2000-02-20 发布日期:2000-02-20

Isolation of Japanese Encephalitis Virus from Bat Sera in Yunnan Province

Yuang Wenli; Zhang Hailin; Gong Heqin; et al   

  1. Yunnan Province Institute of Epidemic Diseases Control and Research,Dali 671000
  • Online:2000-02-20 Published:2000-02-20

摘要: 目的:进一步探索蝙蝠在乙脑病毒贮存宿主方面的作用。方法:病毒分离、微量血凝抑制试验(HI)、间接免疫荧光试验(IFAT)、电镜和病理检查。结果:从蝙蝠血中分离到两株乙脑病毒。结论:蝙蝠在乙脑病毒在自然界中的贮存和扩散方面具有重要的流行病学意义。

关键词: 乙脑病毒, 蝙蝠, 血清, 贮存宿主

Abstract: In 1993, two strains of virus (HB49、HB97) were isolated from two Rousettus leschenauli sera captured in Hekou county, Yunnan province. Cross-HI、IFAT showed that HB49、HB97 could cross react with JE poly Ab、JE MAb. The isolates were 45 nm and in the brain tissue of the infected mice under the electron microscope. The brain tissues of the infected mice showed the pathological changes. TCID50 of HB49 and HB97 were 5.33、4.50 respectively. LD50 of HB49、HB97 were 3.5、3.67 respectively. HB49 and HB97 agglutinated RBC of dove at pH 5.75-6.8.