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曾晓芃; 傅学峰; 薛素琴; 韩玉华; 周锷; 张淑芬   

  1. 北京市卫生防疫站 北京100013
  • 出版日期:2000-02-20 发布日期:2000-02-20

Observation on the Efficacy of Fendona Sc 10 against Mosquito, Housefly and Cockroach in Laboratory

Zeng Xiaopeng; Fu Xuefeng; Xue Suqin; et al   

  1. Beijing Health and Anti-Epidemic Station,100013
  • Online:2000-02-20 Published:2000-02-20

摘要: 目的:观察奋斗呐10%悬浮剂对卫生害虫的室内杀灭效果。方法:强迫接触法。结果:10、20和30mgai/m2剂量在水泥板面,清漆三合板面和玻璃板面对家蝇和淡色库蚊的持效可达84d,对德国小蠊除水泥板面、清漆三合板面10mgai/m2剂量持效56d和70d外,其余可达84d。3种板面中,玻璃板面效果最好。3种害虫中,对家蝇的杀灭效果好于淡色库蚊和德国小蠊。结论:本药剂对3种卫生害虫具有良好的速杀和持效作用。

关键词: 奋斗呐10%悬浮剂, 淡色库蚊, 家蝇, 德国小蠊, 药效

Abstract: The efficacy tests of Fendona Sc 10 were made against three public health insects in laboratory. The long-lasting efficacy with different applied quantities on three kinds of surfaces was 12 weeks for housefly and mosquito, while 8-12 weeks for cockroach. On the glass surface of all the three,the application quantity was the least,the efficacy was the best.Among the three kinds of insects,the best efficacy was obtained against the housefly.