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郭衍1; 万康林2; 许世锷1; 张哲夫2; 潘林祥3; 谢霖崇1; 罗敬平4   

  1. 1汕头大学医学院 汕头515031; 2中国预防医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究所; 3广东省梅州市卫生防疫站; 4广东省大埔县卫生防疫站
  • 出版日期:1998-10-20 发布日期:1998-10-20

Borrelia burgdorferi Isolated from Haemaphysalis cornigera taiwanain Fengxi Protective Natural Region of East Guangdong Province

Gao Yan* ;Wan Kang-Lin; Xu Shi-e ;et al   

  1. *Shantou University Medical College,Shantou City,Guangdong province 515031
  • Online:1998-10-20 Published:1998-10-20

摘要: 目的:检测台湾角血蜱携带莱姆病螺旋体情况。方法:直接荧光抗体法(DFA)和病原分离培养。结果:该蜱是粤东丰溪自然保护区优势蜱种,用采集的该蜱50只取中肠涂片,DFA检测8只为阳性,阳性率16%;从115只(23组)该蜱中分离出1株莱姆病螺旋体,命名为MD6。经单克隆抗体鉴定,结果与国内M7菌种反应相同。结论:从媒介蜱类分离出莱姆病螺旋体,在广东尚属首次,证实该地为莱姆病流行区。

关键词: 莱姆病, 莱姆病螺旋体, 台湾角血蜱

Abstract: The vector of Lyme disease spirochetes was investigated in Fengxi protective natural region of east Guangdong province.Haemaphysalis cornigera taiwana is a prevailling species of Ixodidae in this region.Midguts smear of 50 H.cornigera taiwana were stained by immunofluorescence,8 ticks were positive.One isolates (MD6) was obtained from 23 groups (115 ticks).The isolate was similar to strain B31 of USA in monoclonal antibodies reaction,but not completely coincide.Haemaphysalis cornigera taiwana may play a important role in transmission cycle of Lyme disease in east Guangdong province.It is the first report that Borrelia burgdorferi isolated from Haemaphysalis cornigera taiwana in east Guangdong province.