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张再兴1; 黄荣1; 肖正荣2   

  1. 1云南省疟疾防治研究所 思茅665000; 2沧源县卫生防疫站
  • 出版日期:1998-04-20 发布日期:1998-04-20

Investigation and Analytic Methods on the Community Characters of Anopheles Adultsin the Mountainous Area of Cangyuan County,Yunnan

Zhang Zai-xing Huang Rong Xiao Zheng-rong   

  1. Yunnan Instituteof Malaria Control,Simao,Yunnan,China,665000
  • Online:1998-04-20 Published:1998-04-20

摘要: 目的:调查沧源县山区按蚊群落学特征,并探讨分析方法。方法:6~10月间每10天捕(诱)蚊1次,计算高峰相对密度、构成比、捕获率、优势度、优势种间结合程度。结果:优势蚊种为多斑按蚊、中华按蚊、迷糊按蚊、环斑按蚊和微小按蚊,优势度分别为42.40、30.51、34.95、16.93和9.17。结论:χ2检验不同蚊种间的捕获与未捕获次数,不能完全反映蚊虫动态变化的结合度;建议采用作图求密度高峰日、灰色关联、季节变化数学模型方法,并进行比较。

关键词: 按蚊, 群落学特征, 分析方法

Abstract: The result showed that the major anopheles species were An.maculatus,An.sinensis,An.vagus,An.annularis and An.minimus,with the dominance degrees 42.4,30.51,34.95, 16.93 and 9.17 respectively.The analytic result illustrated that Chi square test,toward the capture and non capture times of different species in the growth season,was not proper for reflecting the combining level of the dynamic density curves of diverse species.It is discussed and suggested to choose the following methods for the above purpose:1)to draw the cumulative density curve and find the range of 80% of the mosquitoes caught,on the basis of the density peak date,on the curve; 2) Gray correlation (γ) analysis.A γ of lower than 0.80,means poor curve combination,and a γ of higher than 0.90 means good combination;3)Establish mathematic models of dynamic density variation of some species and compare them.