Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control

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Study on Rat Anticoagulant Resistance in Changsha Area, Zongyang County

Liu Chun-sheng;et al   

  1. Anhui Frovincial Sanitary & Anti-epidemic Station Hefei 230061
  • Online:1994-12-20 Published:1994-12-20


刘春生1; 郭世坤1; 吴万能1; 张家林1; 杨健华2; 徐立2; 朱汉平2; 张孝让3; 吴道余3; 王根生3; 刘百龄3   

  1. 1安徽省卫生防疫站 合肥230061; 2安庆市卫生防疫站; 3枞阳县卫生防疫站

Abstract: The authors monitored the anticoagulant resistance of Rattus norvegicus and Rattus flavipectus, from Oct. to Nov. 1991 and from Dec. 1991. 22(♂9,♀13)and in l993 24(♂14,♀10)Rattus nortIegiclIs and 14(♂8,♀6)Rattus flavipectus was tested The result shows that for Rattus norvegicus in 1991 the average lethal dosage is 9.63mg/kg, death happens 4.5 days after the distribution. The anticoagulant resistance rate is zero However in 1993 the average lethal dosage changed to 19.54mg/kg, the average death happens after 5.35 days with one survival.The average lethal dosage doubled in two years and the duration before death prolonged l1early one day, For Rattus flavipectus the averge lethal dosage is 143.81 mg/kg, average duration before death is 8.43 days and no survital found. The author sugest that the anticoagulant resistance test must be given after six years of distribution in order to prevent the anticoagulant resistance.

摘要: 按全国鼠类抗药性监测协作组规定的方法,以极阳县长沙乡为试点,1991年10~11月对22只褐家鼠(♂9,♀13)、1993年11~12月对24只褐家鼠(♂14,♀10)和14只黄胸鼠(♂8,♀6)进行了抗药性监测.结果显示,1991年褐家鼠平均致死剂量为9.63mg/kg,致死天数为4.5天,抗性发生率为零;1993年褐家鼠平均致死剂量为19.54mg/kg.致死无数为5.35天,存活鼠1只,存活剂量为27.8mg/kg,抗性发生率为4.17%。两年间致死剂量平均增加1倍,致死天数平均延长近1天。黄胸鼠平均致死剂量为143.81mg/kg,平均致死无数为8.43天,未发现抗性鼠。本文提示,使用抗凝血灭鼠剂达6年以上地区,应加强抗性监测,防止抗性鼠出现。

关键词: 褐家鼠, 黄胸鼠, 抗药性