Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control

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Observation of the Effect of Apache fly Toxicant Baits to Houseflies Control

Leng Pei-en;et al   

  1. Shanghai Hygiene and Anti Epidmic Centre
  • Online:1994-12-20 Published:1994-12-20


冷培恩1; 胡家官2; 沈凤章2; 陆志勋3; 梁铁麟1   

  1. 1上海市卫生防疫站200031; 2闵行区卫生防疫站; 3长宁区卫生防疫站

Abstract: The effect of Apache fly toxicant baits to control houseflies(musca domestic Vicina)was carried out in laboratory, modelfield and field.The results shows that the mortality rate of houseflies which were lured and killed was 98.1 per cent in laboratory trial.The mortality amount of houseflies which were lured and Rilled in high density area was an average of 425 a day; The effect of lure and kill can maintain 15 days at least。

摘要: 试验证实,速安宁毒饵在实验室对家蝇具有98.1%的诱杀作用,在高密度现场日均诱杀家蝇425只,灭蝇持效至少可维持15天。

关键词: 家蝇, 毒饵, 灭多威