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Study on Antibiotic ( FR-008 ) against Culex quinquefasciatus Larvfesin Field

Zhang Ji-bin;et al   

  1. Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Hubei Academy of Medical Sciences, Wuhan,430070
  • Online:1994-12-20 Published:1994-12-20


张吉斌; 徐博钊; 明桂珍; 周启; 梁蓉芳   

  1. 湖北省医学科学院寄生虫病研究所 武汉430070; 华中农业大学土化系

Abstract: Antibiotic FR-008 bas good efficacy against Culex quinquefasciatus larvaes.LD50 1s l.3309μg/ml at 24 hour,0.5 154 at 48 hour. Imitated tests in lab showed that reducted rate of mosquitoes at dosage 5 μg/ml was 98.9% within 48 hour.After spraying antibiotic FR-008 at dosage 2.5~5μg/ml in ditches.reducted rate of Culex quinquefascitus larvaes at dosage 5μg/ml was 88.8% within 72 hour.

摘要: 应用FR-008抗生素在现场杀灭致乏库蚊,LD5024h为1.309μg/ml,48h为0.5154μg/ml.实验室模拟试验,剂量为5μg/ml时,48h蚊幼虫密度下降率可达98.9%:在室外静水沟中使用2.5~5μg/ml剂量,72h蚊幼密变下降率达88.8%。

关键词: FRD-008抗生素, 灭蚊幼