Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control

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Field observation on Effect of Deltamethrin lmpregnated Bed Hets for the Control of Anopheles dirus and lnterruption Transmission Malaria

He Yi-ji;et al   

  1. Hainan Institute of Tropical Diseases, Haikou 570203
  • Online:1994-12-20 Published:1994-12-20


何贻基1; 汤杜环2; 黄 敬3; 吉文琼3; 柳深4   

  1. 1海南省热带病防治研究所 海口570203; 2海南省琼中黎族苗族自治县卫生防疫站; 3海南省琼中黎族苗族自治县和平镇卫生院

Abstract: In 1992 observations were made on the effect of deltatmethrin-impregnated bed nets for Controlling An dirus and the transmission of maiaria in Beiwan and Gexinrillages Beiwan Administrative District, Heping Township.Qiongzhong County、Heping Township locates ina mountainous area in Hainan Province,it is hyperendemic malaria area with An dirus as the major transmission vector, Beiwan and Gexin is the most serious endemie villages in this town The results show that the malaria incidence in the inhabitants in the district observed dropped down is likely relative to the pressure of anti-malaria drugs、 But the parasite rates in the inhabitants were higher than that before the employment of deltamethrin-impregnated bed nets and the density and occurence of seasonal peak of An. dirus were not affected in addition to the transmission of maiaria has not been interrupted.It has been considered that the results may bear close relation to the activities of the local inhabitants in the rillages in the evening. Besides.attention is also worthwhile to begiven to the resistance of An.dirus to deltamethrin.

摘要: 1992年在海南山区和平镇贝湾管区设点,观察溴氰菊酯浸泡蚊帐防制大劣按蚊及控制疟疾传播的效果,结果显示,观察点居民疟疾年带虫发病率在抗疟药物压力下降低,居民带虫率浸帐后较浸帐前高,但对大劣按蚊密度和季节高峰的出现未见影响,疟疾的传播未能阻断,似乎与人群夜间就寝前在村内活动密切相关,大劣按蚊对溴氰菊酯产生抗性的问题亦值得注意。

关键词: 溴氰菊酯, 浸泡蚊帐, 大劣按蚊, 疟疾传播