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Two New Blackflies of Simulium (Gomphostilbia ) from Hainan lsland, China.(DIPTERA: SIMULIIDAE)

Long Zhi-mei;et al   

  1. Anti-epidemic team of PLA,Guangzhou,510500
  • Online:1994-12-20 Published:1994-12-20


龙芝美1; 安继尧2; 郝保善1; 严格2; 袁文汉1   

  1. 1广州军区后勤部卫生防疫队510500; 2军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所

Abstract: Two New blackflies, Simulium (Gomphostilbia) hainanensis sp.nov.and Simulium (Comphostilbia) jianfengensis sp.nov.are described on the female, male, pupal and larval specimens collected from Sanya and Jianfengling country, Hainan island. China. All the specimens are keptin the Medical Entomology Collection Gallery, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Beijing. 1. Simulium (Gomphostilbia) hainanensis sp.nov. (Fig.1-16) This new species closely related to S.(G.) epistum Delfinado, 1971 froin Balabac,Philippines and S. (G.) torautense Takaoka, 1988 from Sulawesi, Indonesia, however, it is clearly differentiated from S.(G.) epistum Delfinado,1971 and S.(G.) torautense Takaoka, 1988 by the structure of gonapophysis, genital fork of the femaleand median sclerite of the male, by the branching of the pupal respiratory filamentsand the form of postgenal cleft in the mature larvae.Holotype ♀,Sanya country, Hainan island, 220m (18.2°N, 109.5°E) 12 April 1993; allotype ♂, Jianfengling country, Hainan island, 850m ( 18.7°N, 108.8°E ), 26 March 1993: paratype 2♀♀, 4 pupa, 2 mature larvae, same data as holotype and allotype. 2.Simulium (Gomphostilbia) jianfengensis sp.nov ( Fig.17-33) This new species seems closely related to S. (G.) metatarsale Brunetti. 1911 from Kurseong, India, S. (G.) ela Davies, 1987 from Sri Lanka and S. (G. ) apoense Takaoka, 1983 from Philippines,however it is clearly differentiated from those species by the structure and form of genital fork of the fernale, median sclerite of the male, pupal fill and postgenal cleft.Holotype ♀ Jianfengling country, Hainan island. 950m ( 18.7°N, 108.8°E ) 24 March 1993: allotype ♂,same data as holotype; paratype 3♀♀, 5 pupa, 6 mature larvae.same as, 24 March and 2 July 1993.

摘要: 本文描述了采自海南岛崖县三亚和乐东县尖峰岭两地区绳蚋亚属二新种。海南绳蚋Simulium(Gomphostilbia)hainanensis sp.nov.与S.(G.)epistum Delfinado,1971和S.(G.)torautense Takaoka,1988蚋种相似:尖峰绳蚋S.(G.)jianfengensis sp.nov.与S.(G.)metatarsale Brunetti,1911.S.(G.)ela Davies,1987和S(G.)apoense Takaoka,1983蚋种相似。但两新种的生殖叉突、生殖叉骨和蛹的呼吸丝与上述蚋种有明显差异.模式标本保存在中国军事医学科学院医学昆虫标本馆。

关键词: 双翅目, 蚋科, 蚋属, 绳蚋亚属, 新种