Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2009, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1): 51-54.

• Original reports • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Study on the stepwise responses for risk categories for dengue fever vector

 DUAN Jin-Hua, LIN Li-Feng, CA Song-Wu, LIU Wen-Hua, YI Jian-Rong, LU Wen-Cheng, YIN Wei-Xiong   

  1. Guangdong Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510300, China
  • Received:2008-09-18 Online:2009-02-20 Published:2009-02-20



  1. 广东省疾病预防控制中心消毒杀虫所(广州 510300)
  • 作者简介:段金花(1977-), 女, 硕士, 主管技师, 主要从事病媒生物学及控制研究。
  • 基金资助:



  【Abstract】 Objective To develop a system of stepwise response for risk categories for dengue fever in China. Methods According to ecological features of Aedes albopictus, establish the method of mosquito and oviposition trap and compare the relationship of the mosquito and oviposition positive index (MOI) and the Breteau index (BI) or the Ovitrap index obtained from the traditional dengue fever vectors surveillance. Develop an epidemic forecast and phased response system for dengue fever control and prevention with reference to other correlative grade control system for dengue or other vector?borne disease, combined with the actual application of mosquito and oviposition trap in the vector surveillance. Results The MOI could be classified into 4 levels, below 5, 5-20, 20-40, and >40 respectively. Stepwise response for risk categories for dengue fever were divided into 4 levels according to the levels of MOI, seasonal character, virus infection rates in mosquitoes and the result of human cases surveillance. Conclusion The MOI is less than 5, which suggestes the control of dengue fever is very effective. However, the risk categories and its response index still need further study and verify in the practical application.

Key words: Dengue fever, Aedes albopictus, Stepwise response for risk categories, Mosquito and oviposition positive index


  【摘要】 目的 为了更有效地预防登革热的流行,建立基于伊蚊监测诱蚊诱卵法的登革热可能流行分级预警指标体系。方法 根据伊蚊的生态特点建立诱蚊诱卵法,比较诱蚊诱卵指数(MOI)与传统的登革热媒介监测的布雷图指数(BI)和诱卵指数的关系,并结合此法在登革热流行监测中的实际应用效果,参照国内外的登革热可能流行分级控制体系和其他相关的虫媒疾病分级控制体系,初步建立基于诱蚊诱卵法的登革热可能流行的分级预警指标。结果 将MOI分为4个层次:<5、 5~20、 20~40和>40,并结合登革热流行的季节特点、蚊虫携带病毒以及疫情监测结果,分成4个登革热流行预警级别,提出相应的媒介控制措施。结论 MOI<5可作为登革热疫情得到有效控制的指标。分级预警与应对指标仍有待实际应用的进一步检验和研究。

关键词: 登革热, 白纹伊蚊, 分级预警应对, 诱蚊诱卵指数

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