Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (2): 156-160.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.8280.2024.02.005

• Experimental Study • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Distribution of knockdown resistance genotypes in Aedes albopictus in Weifang,Shandong Province,China,2022

HUO Xi-yuan1, ZHANG Ye2, LIU Guo-jun1, YUAN Sen-mei1, HAN Xue-feng1, ZHAO Chun-chun3, MENG Feng-xia3   

  1. 1. Department of Disinfection and Vector Control, Weifang Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Weifang, Shandong 261061, China;
    2. Weifang Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Weifang, Shandong 261061, China;
    3. National Key Laboratory of Intelligent Tracking and Forecasting for Infectious Diseases, National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, WHO Collaborating Centre for Vector Surveillance and Management, Beijing 102206, China
  • Received:2023-09-07 Online:2024-04-20 Published:2024-05-09


霍锡元1, 张晔2, 刘国军1, 苑森梅1, 韩雪峰1, 赵春春3, 孟凤霞3   

  1. 1. 潍坊市疾病预防控制中心消毒与病媒生物防制科, 山东 潍坊 261061;
    2. 潍坊市妇幼保健院, 山东 潍坊 261061;
    3. 传染病溯源预警与智能决策全国重点实验室, 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所, 世界卫生组织媒介生物监测与管理合作中心, 北京 102206
  • 通讯作者: 韩雪峰,
  • 作者简介:霍锡元,男,副主任医师,从事媒介生物防制工作,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective To detect knockdown resistance mutations in Aedes albopictus in Weifang,Shandong Province,China,so as to provide a scientific basis for Ae. albopictus control.MethodsAedes larvae were collected using the spoon method in the rural residential areas of five counties/cities/districts of Weifang in July 2022, and after emerging as adults in the laboratory, Ae. albopictus were identified. DNA was extracted from each mosquito for PCR-amplifying and sequencing the fragments of the voltage-gated sodium channel gene. Descriptive statistical analysis method was used for the analysis of knockdown resistance mutations in Ae. albopictus.Results A total of 96 mosquitoes were examined, yielding 192 DNA sequences. The length of sequenced fragments was about 400 bp. The sequencing results revealed mutations at three commonly studied loci of the knockdown resistance gene:1016, 1532, and 1534. The genotypes of the three loci were predominantly wild-type homozygotes followed by wild/mutant heterozygotes and mutant homozygotes. At locus 1016,there were two alleles, wild-type 1016 V (95.31 %) and mutant 1016 G (4.69 %);and there were two genotypes, wild-type homozygous 1016 V/V (90.62 %) and wild/mutant heterozygous 1016 V/G (9.38 %). For locus 1532, there were two alleles, which were wild-type 1532 I (79.17 %) and mutant 1532 T (20.83 %); and there were three genotypes, wild-type homozygous 1532 I/I (61.46 %), wild/mutant heterozygous 1532 I/T (35.42 %), and mutant homozygous 1532 T/T (3.12 %). Three alleles were detected for locus 1534, wild-type 1534 F (85.94 %),mutant 1534 S (1.56 %), and mutant 1534 C (12.50 %); and four genotypes were observed, which were wild-type homozygous 1534 F/F (77.08 %), wild/mutant heterozygous 1534 F/C (17.71 %), mutant heterozygous 1534 S/C (3.13 %), and mutant homozygous 1534 C/C (2.08 %). For the three loci, 10 combinations of the genotypes were observed, and wild-type homozygote combinations were most frequent (36.46 %).Conclusion Mutation in the knockdown resistance of Ae. albopictus in Weifang is frequent and complex, and insecticide resistance levels should be closely monitored to guide the scientific use of insecticides.

Key words: Aedes albopictus, Knockdown resistance gene, Gene mutation locus, Genotype

摘要: 目的 检测山东省潍坊市白纹伊蚊击倒抗性基因突变情况,为科学防控白纹伊蚊提供依据。方法 2022年7月用勺捕法在潍坊市5个县(市、区)农村居民区采集伊蚊幼虫,在实验室集中饲养,羽化后经形态学鉴定为白纹伊蚊,单只提取白纹伊蚊DNA,通过PCR扩增电压门控钠离子通道基因部分片段并测序,对白纹伊蚊击倒抗性突变情况进行描述性统计分析。结果 共检测96只白纹伊蚊,获得192条DNA序列,测序片段长度约为400 bp。测序结果表明白纹伊蚊3个击倒抗性基因位点均发生突变。3个突变位点均是以野生型纯合子为主,野生/突变型杂合子次之,突变型纯合子所占比例最低。1016位点存在2种等位基因,分别是野生型1016 V(95.31 %)和突变型1016 G(4.69 %);2种基因型分别为野生型纯合子1016 V/V(90.62 %),野生/突变型杂合子1016 V/G(9.38 %)。1532位点存在2种等位基因,即野生型1532 I(79.17 %)和突变型1532 T(20.83 %);3种基因型分别为野生型纯合子1532 I/I(61.46 %),野生/突变型杂合子I/T(35.42 %)和突变型纯合子T/T(3.12 %)。1534位点存在3种等位基因,即野生型1534 F(85.94 %)、突变型1534 S(1.56 %)和1534 C(12.50 %);4种基因型分别为野生型纯合子1534 F/F(77.08 %)、野生/突变型杂合子1534 F/C(17.71 %)、突变型杂合子1534 S/C(3.13 %)以及突变型纯合子1534 C/C(2.08 %)。共得到10种基因型组合,其中3个位点的野生纯合型组合基因型突变率最高,为36.46 %。结论 潍坊市白纹伊蚊击倒抗性基因突变率高且突变情况复杂,应密切关注白纹伊蚊的抗药性水平,从而科学指导卫生杀虫剂的使用。

关键词: 白纹伊蚊, 击倒抗性基因, 基因突变位点, 基因型

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