Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2023, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 227-232.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.8280.2023.02.014

• Vector Surveillance • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Community characteristics and disparity analysis of small mammals during the quiescent stage of domestic rodent plague in Yunnan province, China

DUAN Biao1, REN Tian-guang2, TAO Ji-hong1, SU Chao1, PU En-nian1, ZHAO Wen-hong1, YA Hong-xiang1, WU He-song1, LU Liang3   

  1. 1. Department of Plague Control, Yunnan Institute of Endemic Diseases Control and Prevention, Yunnan Province Plague Control Research Center, Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Zoonosis Control and Prevention, Dali, Yunnan 671000, China;
    2. Nursing College, Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671000, China;
    3. Department of Vector Biology and Control, National Institute for Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 102206, China
  • Received:2022-08-30 Online:2023-04-20 Published:2023-04-26
  • Supported by:
    National Science Foundation of China (No.81560545);Internal Research Institutes Foundation of Yunnan Medical and Health (No. 2018NS0214)


段彪1, 任天广2, 陶继宏1, 苏超1, 浦恩念1, 赵文红1, 亚红祥1, 吴鹤松1, 鲁亮3   

  1. 1. 云南省地方病防治所鼠疫防治科, 云南省鼠疫防治研究中心, 云南省自然疫源性疾病防控技术重点实验室, 云南 大理 671000;
    2. 大理大学护理学院, 云南 大理 671000;
    3. 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所媒介生物控制室, 北京 102206
  • 通讯作者: 吴鹤松,;鲁亮,
  • 作者简介:段彪,男,硕士,主治医师,主要从事鼠疫等鼠传疾病防治及医学媒介防制研究,;任天广,男,博士,讲师,主要从事媒介昆虫研究,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective To investigate the community characteristics of small mammals during the quiescent stage of domestic rodent plague foci in Yunnan province of China after 2008 and the reasons for the disparities and changes in community structure, and to provide scientific data support for formulating plague control measures. Methods The stratified sampling method was used to select 10 cities/counties with representative geographical locations and quiescent years of plague in Yunnan province, i.e., Lancang, Midu, Gengma, Yiliang, Lianghe, Menghai, Yuanjiang, Mile, Wenshan, and Longyang, and field investigation was conducted in these areas. The morphological method was used to identify the captured small mammals, Excel 2010 software was used to analyze the sampling data, and the descriptive research method was used to investigate community structure characteristics. Results A total of 2 889 small mammals were captured in these areas and were identified as 22 species in 14 genera, 5 families, and 4 orders. Rattus tanezumi had a composition ratio of 56.97% (1 646/2 889) and was the dominant species; R. norvegicus (6.82%), Suncus murinus (5.71%), Apodemus chevrieri (5.33%), A. draco (5.16%), Mus caroli (3.53%), Crocidura attenuata (2.94%), M. pahari (2.94%), M. musculus (2.32%), R. andamanensis (2.25%), Anourosorex squamipes (1.80%), and Tupaia belangeri (1.11%) were common species; Eothenomys miletus (0.93%), Niviventer confucianus (0.63%), Hylomys suillus (0.42%), Neotetracus sinensis (0.35%), A. latronum (0.21%), R. nitidus (0.17%), C. dracula (0.17%), and Micromys minutus (0.10%) were uncommon species; Bandicota bengalensis (0.07%) and N. fulvescens (0.07%) were rare species. As for the dominant species of small mammals in the 10 areas, only R. tanezumi was the dominant species in Lancang, Menghai, and Gengma; R. tanezumi and another 1-3 species were the dominant species in the other 7 areas, but R. tanezumi was not the first dominant specie in Mile and Yiliang. Conclusion Diverse community structure is observed for small mammals during the quiescent stage of domestic rodent plague foci in Yunnan province, with significant regional differences.

Key words: Domestic rodent, Rattus tanezumi, Plague foci, Small mammal, Community, Disparity

摘要: 目的 了解2008年后云南省家鼠鼠疫疫源地流行静息期内小型兽类的群落特征,探讨和分析引起群落结构差异变化的原因,为制订鼠疫防治措施提供科学的数据支持。方法 采用分层抽样法在云南省选择地理位置和鼠疫流行静息年限具有代表性的澜沧拉祜族自治县(澜沧县)、弥渡县、耿马傣族佤族自治县(耿马县)、宜良县、梁河县、勐海县和元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县(元江县),弥勒和文山市以及保山市隆阳区等10个县(市、区)开展现场调查工作,采用形态学方法鉴定捕获的小型兽类,应用Excel 2010软件整理、分析采样数据,采用描述性研究方法分析群落结构特征。结果 在10个调查区内共捕获小型兽类2 889只,鉴定为4目5科14属22种,黄胸鼠的构成比为56.97%(1 646/2 889),为优势种;褐家鼠(6.82%)、臭鼩(5.71%)、齐氏姬鼠(5.33%)、中华姬鼠(5.16%)、卡氏小鼠(3.53%)、灰麝鼩(2.94%)、锡金小鼠(2.94%)、小家鼠(2.32%)、黑缘齿鼠(2.25%)、四川短尾鼩(1.80%)和北树鼩(1.11%)为习见种;大绒鼠(0.93%)、北社鼠(0.63%)、小毛猬(0.42%)、中华鼩猬(0.35%)、大耳姬鼠(0.21%)、大足鼠(0.17%)、长尾大麝鼩(0.17%)和巢鼠(0.10%)为少见种;小板齿鼠(0.07%)和针毛鼠(0.07%)为稀有种。10个调查地区小型兽类的优势种表现为:澜沧、勐海和耿马县仅以黄胸鼠为优势种,其余7个调查区以黄胸鼠及其他1~3种小型兽类为优势种,但弥渡县和宜良县2个调查区的第1优势种均非黄胸鼠。结论 云南省家鼠鼠疫疫源地静息期内的小型兽类群落结构具有多样性,群落结构的区域性差异明显。

关键词: 家鼠, 黄胸鼠, 鼠疫疫源地, 小型兽类, 群落, 差异

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