Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2018, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (1): 15-19.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.8280.2018.01.004

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Molecular characteristics of common sandflies species (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Hainan province

CHEN Hui-ying1, LIN Yi2, CHEN Han-ming1, LIU Yi2, LI Kai-li1, GAO Jing-peng1, CHEN Xue-wen2, CAI Fang2, LIU Chao2, YANG Xin-yan2, YANG Zhen-zhou3, PENG Heng4, MA Ya-jun1   

  1. 1 Department of Tropical Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China;
    2 Haikou Center for Disease Control and Prevention;
    3 Center for Disease Control and Prevention of PLA;
    4 Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology, Basic Medical College, Second Military Medical University
  • Received:2017-10-30 Online:2018-02-20 Published:2018-02-20
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81371848) and the Key Research and Development Project of Hainan Science and Technology Committee (No. SQ2017SHFZ0001)


陈辉莹1, 林怡2, 陈翰明1, 刘义2, 李凯利1, 高景鹏1, 陈学文2, 蔡芳2, 刘超2, 杨新艳2, 杨振洲3, 彭恒4, 马雅军1   

  1. 1 第二军医大学热带医学与公共卫生学系热带传染病学教研室, 上海 200433;
    2 海口市疾病预防控制中心, 海口 571100;
    3 解放军疾病预防控制中心, 北京 100071;
    4 第二军医大学基础部病原生物学教研室, 上海 200433
  • 通讯作者: 马雅军,;彭恒,
  • 作者简介:陈辉莹,女,硕士,从事媒介生物学研究,现工作单位为上海市长宁区疾病预防控制中心,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective To identify the common species of sandflies in Haikou city based on morphological characteristics, and determine the species specific molecular identity. Methods Sandflies were collected overnight by light-trap monthly in the pigsty, chicken or duck coops or human dwellings around village and urban-rural fringe areas in Haikou city during August 2015 to July 2016, as well as in Sansha city in August, 2017. After counting, partial sandflies were randomly selected and classified by morphological characteristics. Then the genomic DNA was extracted from identified specimens, the mtDNA Cytb gene fragment was sequenced and analyzed to determine the species-specific molecular identity. The sandflies collected from Sansha city were identified by molecular marker, and the taxonomic status was discussed. Results A total of 377 sandflies samples were collected in Haikou city, which belonged to 4 species in 2 genera, as Sergentomyia bailyi Sinton, S.iyengari Sinton, S. squamipleuris Newstead, and Phleboto musstantoni Newstead. The sandflies adults were active throughout the year with the peak of density in June and November. The intraspecific genetic distance of mtDNA Cytb gene sequences among the 4 species was from 0 to 0.046. The range of the interspecific distance among the 9 species (including 5 species mtDNA Cytb gene sequences downloaded from NCBI database) was from 0.112 (P. wui with P. chinensis) to 0.219 (P. stantoni and P. caucasicus). All sandflies specimen collected from Sansha city were S. bailyi by molecular identity. The most genetic distance was 0.049 between Haikou and Sansha population. Conclusion Sandflies were active throughout the year in Haikou city, including two peaks of density. The identity of mtDNA Cytb gene sequences of 4 common sandflies in Hainan province was identified. There was obvious genetic divergence in S. bailyi populations.

Key words: Sandfly, Classification, Molecular identity, Mitochondrial DNA, Hainan province

摘要: 目的 依据形态特征对海南省常见白蛉种类进行分类,确定该地常见白蛉的种特异分子特征。方法 利用诱虫灯法,于2015年8月至2016年7月每月在海南省海口市农村和城乡结合部的猪圈、鸡鸭圈或人房等环境,2017年8月在三沙市宿舍周围的院落、废弃的猪圈等环境通宵采集白蛉,统计白蛉数量。随机挑取白蛉样本依据形态学特征进行分类鉴别,对应标本提取基因组DNA,测定和分析线粒体DNA(mtDNA)细胞色素b(Cytb)基因片段序列,确定种特异的分子特征。对采自海南省三沙市的白蛉应用种特异分子特征鉴定种类,并探讨其分类地位。结果 在海口市共捕获白蛉377只,隶属于2属4种,即贝氏司蛉、应氏司蛉、鳞胸司蛉和施氏白蛉;白蛉全年均有活动,密度高峰出现在6、11月。4种白蛉的mtDNA Cytb基因序列在个体间的遗传距离为0~0.046,在我国分布的9种(5种为网络下载)白蛉间的差异范围为0.112~0.219。应用mtDNA Cytb基因序列分析显示,在三沙市采集的白蛉均为贝氏司蛉,与海口市贝氏司蛉间的遗传差异最大为0.049。结论 白蛉在海口市全年均有活动,有2个密度高峰;确定了海南省常见4种白蛉的mtDNA Cytb基因分子特征;基于分子特征的贝氏司蛉已出现群体分化。

关键词: 白蛉, 分类, 分子特征, 线粒体DNA, 海南省

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