Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2016, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (5): 474-477.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.8280.2016.05.013

• Original reports • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Investigation on the infection of Schistosomiasis in small mammals after achieving control standards in Eryuan county, Yunnan province

SHAO Zong-ti1, FENG Xi-guang1, DONG Yi1, XIONG Meng-tao1, SHI Xue-wen2, LI Xiong-bin2, WU Ming-shou1, GAO Zi-hou1, YANG Wen-can2, YANG Wei-dong2, MAO Gui-lin2, ZHANG Yun1, HUANG Peng1, LIU Yu-hua3, DONG Xing-qi4   

  1. 1 Yunnan Institute of Endemic Diseases Control and Prevention, Dali 671000, Yunnan Province, China;
    2 Eryuan Station of Schistosomiasis Control;
    3 Dali Institute of Schistosomiasis Control;
    4 Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Infectious Diseases
  • Received:2016-04-22 Online:2016-10-20 Published:2016-10-20
  • Supported by:

    Supported by the National Science and Technology Infrastructure Program (No. 2009BAI78B06)


邵宗体1, 冯锡光1, 董毅1, 熊孟韬1, 施学文2, 李雄斌2, 吴明寿1, 高子厚1, 杨文灿2, 杨卫东2, 毛桂林2, 张云1, 黄鹏1, 刘榆华3, 董兴齐4   

  1. 1 云南省地方病防治所, 云南 大理 671000;
    2 洱源县血吸虫病防治站, 云南 洱源 671200;
    3 大理州血吸虫病防治研究所, 云南 大理 671000;
    4 云南省传染病专科医院, 昆明 650301
  • 作者简介:邵宗体,男,硕士,主管医师,主要从事血吸虫病、鼠疫流行病学及媒介生物防制研究,
  • 基金资助:



Objective To study the infection of Schistosomiasis in small mammals and other final host after achieving control standards of schistosomiasis in Eryuan, explore small mammals' roles in schistosomiasis transmission in mountainous endemic regions in Yunnan province. Methods To capture the small mammals by night trapping method in the cultivated area with snail breeding around the villages. The infection by anatomical observation and stool examination after taxonomic identification of the small mammals. The infection of Schistosomiasis of residents and domestic animals, and situation on the snails were surveyed by the routine method,2010-2011. Results Six species, 4 genera, 3 families and 3 orders of 307 small mammals were captured in the schistosomiasis area. The rate of the captured was 12.79%. The predominant species were Rattus sladeni and Apodemus chevrieri, which accounted for 53.75% and 20.85% respectively. Among 305 small mammals being tested, one R. sladeni was infected with Schistosomiasis japonica, the infection rate of R. sladeni was 0.61%(1/165) and EPG(x) was 0.291, small mammals was 0.33%(1/305)and EPG(x) was 0.157. The infection rate of Schistosomiasis of humans, cattles, horses and dogs were about 1.01%(6/597), 0.83%(5/599), 0.58% (1/173), and 5.91% (13/220), and other animals were negative. The infectiosity EPG(x) of humans, cattles, horses and dogs were 0.009-0.010, 0.005, 0.007, and 0.080. There was statistical significance between the infection rate of Schistosomiasis of small mammals and dogs (χ2=15.339, P<0.05), as small mammals with others no significant differences. Density of living snails was decreased and no infected snail was found. Conclusion The result indicated the low infection of Schistosomiasis in small mammals in the area where it was achieved with control standard of Schistosomiasis. Further investigation may need to confirm the infection of Schistosomiasis in small mammals in some areas of mountainous valley region.

Key words: Small mammals, Schistosomiasis japonica, Infection rate, Transmission control


目的 调查洱源县血吸虫病达传播控制标准后流行区小兽及其他终末宿主感染血吸虫情况,探讨其在云南省高原山区血吸虫病传播中的作用。方法 2010-2011年采用夹夜法在洱源县村庄周围农耕区有螺环境内捕获小兽,分类鉴定后解剖观察和检查粪便,了解血吸虫感染情况;同时采用常规方法开展人、畜血吸虫病及螺情调查。结果 捕获小兽3目3科4属6种307只,捕获率为12.79%,以斯氏家鼠和齐氏姬鼠为主,分别占捕获总数的53.75%和20.85%,解剖检查305只,1只斯氏家鼠感染血吸虫,感染率为0.61%(1/165),小兽感染率为0.33%(1/305),斯氏家鼠EPG(x)为0.291,小兽群EPG(x)为0.157;调查点自然村人群、牛、马和犬感染率分别为1.01%(6/597)、0.83%(5/599)、0.58%(1/173)和5.91%(13/220),人群、牛群、马群和犬群EPG(x)分别为0.009~0.010、0.005、0.007和0.080,其他家畜未查出血吸虫感染;小兽与犬感染率差异有统计学意义(χ2=15.339,P<0.05),小兽与其他宿主感染率间差异均无统计学意义;钉螺密度不断下降,未检出阳性。结论 采集点小兽血吸虫感染率较低,在传播控制达标地区仍需进一步监测调查。

关键词: 小兽, 日本血吸虫, 感染率, 传播控制

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