Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2015, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (5): 491-494.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.4692.2015.05.015

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Risk assessment and control of flies in major industries of Nanchang city

TAO Hui-ying, LIU Xiao-qing, MA Hong-mei, LI Wei-min, GUO Xue-jian, LIU Yang-qing, ZHENG Wei-qing   

  1. Nanchang Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanchang 330038, Jiangxi Province, China
  • Received:2015-04-11 Online:2015-10-20 Published:2015-10-20


陶卉英, 柳小青, 马红梅, 李卫民, 郭学俭, 刘仰青, 郑卫青   

  1. 南昌市疾病预防控制中心消毒与病媒生物防制科, 南昌 330038
  • 作者简介:陶卉英, 女, 硕士, 副主任技师, 主要从事消毒与病媒生物防制工作, Email:


Objective To assess the risk of flies in major industries of Nanchang city, and take measures to control the density of flies at low levels. Methods The invasion of flies in major industries was investigated by method of GB/T 23796-2009. To evaluate the risk of flies in major industries, classification standard of the risk occurrence possibility was established by Delphi method. Results The results of infestation in 2008-2010 showed that flies were likely to do impact people in industries of farm product markets, small restaurants, small foodstores, food processing industry, the station. Flies may possiblly do harm to people in hotels, supermarkets, canteens, tea and dance halls, hospitals. The risk levels have a downward trend in 5-10 month of 2011. To October, there were no risk possibility in industries of hospital (including hospitals), farmers market, enterprises; fixed-point stadiums, hotels, large and medium sized catering site still exists the risk possibility. Conclusion Through environmental, physical and chemical control measures, the density of declined during the period of 7th national intercity games, but some industries still had infestation risks. So it is necessary to take scientific measures to control flies in order to protect the public health.

Key words: Major industry, Fly, Risk assessment


目的 对南昌市重点行业蝇类危害风险水平进行评估, 并采取相关措施, 将蝇密度控制在较低水平, 保障居民健康。方法 参照GB/T 23796-2009的方法对重点行业蝇类侵害情况进行调查, 并采用专家咨询法确定蝇类危害风险发生可能性的分级标准, 对重点行业蝇类危害风险开展评估。结果 2008-2010年南昌市不同行业蝇类侵害情况进行风险评估, 结果表明, 蝇类很可能发生危害的行业有农贸市场、小餐饮店、小副食店、食品加工业、车站;可能发生危害的有宾馆饭店、超市商场、单位食堂、茶座及歌舞厅、医院。2011年5-10月南昌市重点行业蝇类发生危害的风险水平呈现下降趋势。至10月份, 医院(包括定点医院)、农贸市场、企事业单位都不可能发生危害, 定点体育场馆、定点宾馆饭店、大中型餐饮业等存在发生危害的可能性。结论 通过环境治理、物理防治和化学防治等措施, 在“七城会”期间, 南昌市重点行业蝇类侵害得到了一定程度的控制。但是有些行业蝇类侵害情况仍较为严重, 存在发生危害的可能性, 有待于提出更科学的防制措施, 将蝇类的侵害控制在较低水平, 保障居民健康。

关键词: 重点行业, 蝇, 风险评估

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