Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2015, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (2): 185-187.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.4692.2015.02.020

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Surveillance on commensal rodents during 2009-2013 in Liaoning province, China

ZHANG Jia-yong, BAI Yu-yin, ZHANG Ji-bo, DING Jun, LI Zhi, GUAN Yu-hui, WANG Chun-yu   

  1. Liaoning Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shenyang 110005, Liaoning Province, China
  • Received:2014-10-05 Online:2015-04-20 Published:2015-04-20


张家勇, 白玉银, 张稷博, 丁俊, 李志, 关玉辉, 王纯玉   

  1. 辽宁省疾病预防控制中心病媒生物控制所, 沈阳110005
  • 作者简介:张家勇,男,在读硕士,主管技师,主要从事病媒生物控制工作,


Objective To investigate the population composition and seasonality of rodents and their density in different habitats in Liaoning province, China, and to provide a scientific reference for developing rodent control strategies. Methods Two types of monitoring points were chosen in cities (and towns), one type in residential area and the other in special industrial area. Additionally, two types of monitoring points were chosen in rural areas, one type in villages and the other out of villages. The density of rodents was monitored by night trapping. Results Totally 506 806 traps were set up in Liaoning province from 2009 to 2013. There were 485 792 effective traps, which captured 7548 rodents. The average density of rodents was estimated to be 1.55%, with a higher level in villages (2.25%) than in cities (0.93%). The density of rodents was highest in natural villages (2.25%), followed by special industrial areas (1.09%) and residential areas (0.78%) in cities. Seasonal fluctuations of rodent density in total, individual years, or different habitats followed a double-peak curve. Two peaks of rodent density occurred in April to May and in September to October, respectively. Rattus norvegicus was the dominant species of rodents in Liaoning province. Conclusion The density of commensal rodents in Liaoning province showed a slightly increasing trend from 2009 to 2013. Seasonality of rodent density followed a double-peak curve. The control of rodent density should focus on rural areas. According to their characteristics of seasonal fluctuations, comprehensive preventive measures should be taken to reduce the density of rodents in the two peak periods, in order to control rodent-borne diseases.

Key words: Rodent, Density, Seasonal fluctuation, Monitoring


目的 了解辽宁省鼠类种群构成、季节消长和不同生境鼠密度情况, 为制订鼠类防控方案提供科学依据。方法 城镇设置居民区和特殊行业2种类型监测点, 农村设置村内和村外2种类型监测点, 采用夹夜法进行鼠密度监测。结果 2009-2013年辽宁全省共布放鼠夹506 806夹次, 有效夹485 792夹次, 捕获鼠类7548只, 平均鼠密度为1.55%, 农村(2.25%)远高于城市(0.93%), 自然村(2.25%)> 特殊行业(1.09%)> 居民区(0.78%);总体鼠密度、各年间鼠密度和不同生境鼠密度季节消长均呈典型的双峰型曲线, 在4-5月和9-10月出现2个密度高峰;褐家鼠为辽宁省优势鼠种。结论 2009-2013年鼠密度呈小幅升高趋势, 鼠密度季节消长均呈典型的双峰型曲线;农村鼠密度应重点防控。鼠类防控应根据其季节消长特点, 在2个密度高峰期采取综合性防制措施降低鼠密度, 达到控制鼠传疾病目的。

关键词: 鼠类, 密度, 季节消长, 监测

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