Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2015, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (2): 168-171.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.4692.2015.02.015

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Investigation on the events of multi-victim bitted by one dog in Zhejiang province during 2011-2013

REN Jiang-ping, WANG Wei, WANG Xin-ying, LIU She-lan, LYU Hua-kun, GONG Zhen-yu, CHAI Cheng-liang, LIN Jun-fen, ZHANG Yan-jun, SUN Ji-min   

  1. Zhejiang Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Hangzhou 310051, Zhejiang Province, China
  • Received:2014-12-12 Online:2015-04-20 Published:2015-04-20


任江萍, 王玮, 王欣莹, 刘社兰, 吕华坤, 龚震宇, 柴程良, 林君芬, 张严峻, 孙继民   

  1. 浙江省疾病预防控制中心传染病防制所, 杭州310051
  • 通讯作者: 孙继民,
  • 作者简介:任江萍,女,医师,从事自然疫源性疾病防制工作,


Objective To analyze the epidemiologic characteristics and disposal of the events of multi-victim bitted by one dog in Zhejiang province, and provide the basis for the control and prevention of rabies. Methods The investigation report of the event of multi-victim bitted by one dog in Zhejiang province during 2011-2013 were collected for statistical analysis. Results Fifty-five events of multi-victim bitted by one dog had been reported in Zhejiang province during 2011-2013, and most occurred on the midwest of the province. The positive rate of rabies virus in dog of those events was 85.00%. 352 persons were exposed in those events and farmers were the most frequently reported victim. The inoculation rates of rabies vaccine and rabies immune globulin were 95.73% and 80.63%, respectively. Two victims died from rabies as none post-exposure prophylaxis was received, and the incidence rate was 0.57%. Conclusion The exposed people in the events of multi-victim bitted by one dog are in high risk of rabies, and surveillance, health education and post-exposure prophylaxis should be strengthened.

Key words: Event of multi-victim bitted by one dog, Rabies, Investigation


目的 分析浙江省一犬伤多人事件的流行病学分布特征及处置情况, 为进一步做好狂犬病的防控提供依据。方法 收集浙江省2011-2013年一犬伤多人事件的调查报告进行统计学分析。结果 2011-2013年浙江省共发生55起一犬伤多人事件, 主要分布在浙中西部地区, 肇事犬的狂犬病病毒阳性率为85.00%。共有352名暴露者, 以农民为主, 狂犬病疫苗及免疫球蛋白的接种率分别为95.73%和80.63%。有2名暴露者因未接受暴露后的规范化处置而死亡, 患病率为0.57%。结论 一犬伤多人事件危害大, 要加强监测及健康教育, 做好暴露后的规范化处置。

关键词: 一犬伤多人事件, 狂犬病, 调查

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