Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2013, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (5): 462-463,466.DOI: 10.11853/j.issn.1003.4692.2013.05.025

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Investigation and disposal of bedbugs carried by an entry ship

BO Jing-xin1, ZHU Shi-ying1, YANG Chen-guang1, ZHAO Bin1, LI De-xin1, NING Rui-yu2, XU Xiao-yin2, ZHANG Xiao-long3, NIE Wei-zhong1   

  1. 1 Qinhuangdao Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Qinhuangdao 066002, Hebei Province, China;
    2 Jingtanggang Office, Hebei Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau;
    3 Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine
  • Received:2013-04-29 Online:2013-10-20 Published:2013-10-20


薄景信1, 朱世营1, 杨晨光1, 赵彬1, 李德昕1, 宁瑞瑜2, 许晓银2, 张晓龙3, 聂维忠1   

  1. 1 秦皇岛出入境检验检疫局, 河北 秦皇岛 066002;
    2 河北出入境检验检疫局京唐港办事处;
    3 中国检验检疫科学研究院
  • 通讯作者: 聂维忠, Email:
  • 作者简介:薄景信(1963- ),男,工程师,从事卫生除害处理工作。Email:


Objective To investigate the invasions of bedbugs and other disease vectors on an entry ship and to evaluate the results of disinsection. Methods The bedbugs and other disease vectors on an entry ship from abroad were investigated by visual observation and the collected specimens were identified. The introduced bedbugs and other disease vectors on the ship were killed by either residual spray, space spray or slit spraying with 0.5% Malathion water solution. Poisonous baits for cockroaches were put in the cabins at the same time. The results of disinsection were assessed. Results More than 300 specimens of bedbugs were collected in crews cabins and considered Cimex hemipterus (Fabricius, 1803). The mean densities of bedbugs were 180 bedbugs per man-hour collection and 300 bedbugs per square meter. Seventeen other species of disease vectors, including cockroaches, mosquitoes and flies were also collected on board. The result of disinsection was found 100% after treatment. Conclusion It is recommended to enhance quarantine inspection on entry ships. For the entry ships invaded by bedbugs and other disease vectors, comprehensive insecticide application should be adopted according to the type of vectors and their habitats.

Key words: Entry ship, Cimex hemipterus, Medical vector, Invasion, Disinsection


目的 探讨入境船舶携带臭虫等医学媒介生物侵害,并对处理效果进行评价。方法 采用目测法等对臭虫等医学媒介生物的侵害进行调查,并对采集的标本进行鉴定;采用0.5%马拉硫磷水剂开展滞留、空间和缝隙喷洒杀灭船舶上臭虫等医学媒介生物,同时布放灭蟑螂毒饵,对处置效果进行评价。结果 在生活区船员房间发现并采集到300余只臭虫标本,为热带臭虫,密度为180只/人工小时,单位面积密度达300只/m2,另发现蜚蠊、蚊和蝇等17种医学媒介生物;处理后各类医学媒介生物杀灭率均为100%。结论 应加强入境船舶检疫查验,对受到臭虫等多种医学媒介生物侵害的船舶,应根据处理对象和场所,采用综合施药方法进行除虫处理,防止臭虫等输入性医学媒介生物传入。

关键词: 入境船舶, 热带臭虫, 医学媒介, 侵害, 除虫处理

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