Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2013, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (2): 172-174.

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Study on resistance of mosquitoes, flies, and cockroaches to 7 chemical insecticides in Taizhou city, China

REN Zhang-yao, WANG Xiao-bing, REN Wei-tao, HUO Tian-xiong, BAO Hai-ting   

  1. Zhejiang Lvdao Technology Co., Ltd, Sanmen 317100, Zhejiang Province, China
  • Received:2012-12-29 Online:2013-04-20 Published:2013-04-20


任樟尧, 王小兵, 任炜韬, 霍天雄, 包海婷   

  1. 浙江绿岛科技有限公司技术部,浙江三门 317100

Abstract: Objective To investigate the resistance of natural populations of Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus, Musca domestica, and Blattella germanica to 7 chemical insecticides in Taizhou city, China and to provide a basis for vector control using suitable insecticides. Methods The soaking method was used to determine the median lethal concentration (LC50) for the 4th larval instar of Cx. pipiens quinquefasciatus; the droplet method was used to determine the median lethal dose (LD50) for M. domestica; the residual film method was used to determine the median knockdown time (KT50) for B. germanica. Results The resistance ratios of natural population of Cx. pipiens quinquefasciatus to deltamethrin, permethrin, beta-cypermethrin, dichlorvos, and fenobucarb were 9.0, 6.8, 5.6, 4.8, and 2.7, respectively; the resistance ratios of natural population of M. domestica to deltamethrin, beta- cypermethrin, cypermethrin, permethrin, dichlorvos, and tetramethrin were 31.9, 24.8, 15.6, 9.5, 9.2, and 4.4, respectively; the resistance ratios of natural population of B. germanica to beta-cypermethrin, deltamethrin, permethrin, and propoxur were 5.1, 3.5, 3.2, and 2.8, respectively. Conclusion In Taizhou, the natural populations of Cx. pipiens quinquefasciatus, M. domestica, and B. germanica are resistant to 7 chemical insecticides at different levels.

Key words: Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus, Musca domestica, Blattella germanica, Insecticide resistance

摘要: 目的 了解台州市致倦库蚊、家蝇、德国小蠊对7种化学杀虫剂的抗性现状,为科学合理使用化学杀虫剂,指导病媒生物防制工作深入开展提供依据.方法 浸渍法,测定4龄期蚊幼虫半数致死浓度;点滴法,测定家蝇半数致死剂量;药膜法,测定德国小蠊半数击倒时间.结果 致倦库蚊自然种群对溴氰菊酯、氯菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯、敌敌畏、仲丁威抗性倍数依次为9.0、6.8、5.6、4.8、2.7倍;家蝇自然种群对溴氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯、氯氰菊酯、氯菊酯、敌敌畏、胺菊酯的抗性倍数依次为31.9、24.8、15.6、9.5、9.2、4.4倍;德国小蠊自然种群对高效氯氰菊酯、溴氰菊酯、氯菊酯、残杀威的抗性倍数依次为5.1、3.5、3.2、2.8倍.结论 致倦库蚊、家蝇、德国小蠊自然种群对7种化学杀虫剂存在不同程度的抗药性.

关键词: 致倦库蚊, 家蝇, 德国小蠊, 抗药性

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