Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2013, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (1): 50-54.

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Flight capacity of Culex pipiens pallens (Diptera: Culicidae)

SONG Xuan-xuan1, ZUO Xian-gang2, ZOU Fu-min1, CUI Jian-xin1   

  1. 1. Department of Plant Protection, Henan Institute of Science and Technology, Xinxiang 453003, Henan Province, China;
    2. School of Information Engineering, Henan Institute of Science and Technology
  • Received:2012-09-22 Online:2013-02-20 Published:2013-02-20


宋宣宣1, 左现刚2, 邹富民1, 崔建新1   

  1. 1. 河南科技学院植保系,河南新乡453003;
    2. 河南科技学院信息工程学院
  • 通讯作者: 崔建新,

Abstract: Objective To investigate the flight capacity of Culex pipiens pallens, which is a main vector of lymphatic filariasis, and to provide a scientific basis for control of Cx. pipiens pallens. Methods Thirteen groups of female mosquitoes with different day-ages (1-10, 15, 20, and 25 days old) and 10 groups of male mosquitoes (day-age 1-10) were chosen with at least 10 mosquitoes in each group. Their flight capacities were measured using flight mills. The comparison of tethered flight behaviors between female and male Cx. pipiens pallens was conducted according to maximum flight distance within one takeoff, maximum flight duration within one takeoff, and mean flight velocity of the maximum flight distance within one takeoff. Results There was no significant difference between male and female Cx. pipiens pallens on Udmax (F=2.66, P=0.1044). Day-age factor had a significant effect on Udmax (F=2.15, P=0.0148). Synergy between gender and day-age factors had also a significant effect on Udmax (F=2.00, P=0.0397). There was extremely significant difference between different day-age groups on Utmax in female populations (F=2.91,P<0.01). For female mosquitoes, the day-age on the first diffusion peak (day 4), the day-age with lowest flying ability (day 5-6), and the day-age on the second diffusion peak (day 7) were in accordance with the first sucking blood stage, ovarian mature stage, and the beginning time of laying eggs after ovarian maturing, respectively. The dispersal peak of female mosquitoes on day 7 was useful for determining the dispersal range of them. The dispersal peak value of the female mosquitoes on day 20 was useful to judge the sphere of the second blooding-sucking activities during the transmission of lymphatic filariasis. Conclusion There is a significant difference in flight abilities among Cx. pipiens pallens with different day-ages. This difference is in accordance with their biological activities and is meaningful for the prevention and control of lymphatic filariasis.

Key words: Culex pipiens pallens, Flight distance, Flight duration, Mean flight velocity, Flight capacity

摘要: 目的 淡色库蚊是班氏丝虫病的主要传播媒介,了解淡色库蚊的飞行行为,为淡色库蚊的防治提供科学依据。方法 采用吊飞技术对淡色库蚊实验室种群进行吊飞,设置为雌成虫1~10、15、20、25日龄,雄成虫为1~10日龄,每组至少10只试虫,采用单次最远飞行距离、单次最久飞行时间和单次最远飞行平均速度3项参数对不同性别淡色库蚊的飞行行为进行比较。结果 对淡色库蚊的成蚊吊飞研究发现,雌雄蚊的单次最远飞行距离差异无统计学意义(F=2.66,P=0.1044);淡色库蚊在各个日龄之间的单次最远飞行距离差异有统计学意义(F=2.15,P=0.0148);淡色库蚊性别和日龄的交互作用对单次最远飞行距离也有显著影响(F=2.00,P=0.0397);淡色库蚊雌虫各个日龄之间的单次最远飞行距离差异有统计学意义(F=2.42,P<0.01);淡色库蚊雌蚊各日龄之间的单次最久飞行时间差异有统计学意义(F=2.91,P<0.01);研究发现,淡色库蚊雌蚊羽化后的首次扩散距离高峰期(4日龄)、飞行能力低谷期(5、6日龄)、第2次扩散高峰期(7日龄)与雌蚊首次吸血高峰日龄、卵巢发育成熟的时间、卵发育成熟以后开始产卵的活动时间基本一致;雌虫羽化后7日龄的第2次扩散高峰期对确定雌蚊产卵范围有较大借鉴意义;雌蚊在20日龄的扩散能力峰值对确定班氏丝虫病传播过程中雌蚊的第2次吸血活动范围有重要参考意义。结论 淡色库蚊不同日龄之间的飞行能力有较明显差异,这种差异与淡色库蚊的生物学习性有较高的一致性,对指导班氏丝虫病的防控有较大的参考价值。

关键词: 淡色库蚊, 飞行距离, 飞行时间, 平均速度, 飞行能力

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