Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control ›› 2010, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (3): 259-260.

• Investigation • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Analysis of the plague surveillance results in Ningde city from 2002 to 2008

 ZHANG Chao-Hui1, YUAN Gao-Lin1, LIN Jian-Sheng2   

  1. 1 Ningde Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Ningde 352100, Fujian Province, China; 2 Gutian Center for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Received:2009-12-22 Online:2010-06-20 Published:2010-06-20



  1. 1 宁德市疾病预防控制中心质量控制科(福建 宁德 352100); 2 古田县疾病预防控制中心
  • 作者简介:张朝晖(1968-),女,副主任医师,主要从事疾病预防控制工作。


Objective The host animals and vector insects were monitored for early detection of plague epidemic and timely implementation of control measures. Methods Live rats were captured with cage traps, and taxonomically identified. The liver, spleen and sera samples were collected from the rats for detection of F1 antibodies and fleas. The rodent density, flea?carrying rate and flea index were then calculated. Results The dominant species of indoor rats were Rattus norvegicus and R. tanezumi, and the ones of outdoor rats were R. losea and Bandicota indica. The average rodent density, indoor and outdoor, reached 7.46% and 2.90%, respectively. The average flea?carrying rate of indoor rats was 42.00% with the total flea index of 1.19. The significantly dominant parasitic flea was Xenopsylla cheopis. Conclusion Although the species composition of hosts and vectors in historically epidemic areas remained stable with low density and a declining flea index, it is desirable to perform the monitoring for timely detection of abnormal signals, so as to implement the necessary measures to prevent the recurrence of plague.

Key words: Plague surveillance, Host, Vector, Species


目的 通过对宿主动物及媒介昆虫的监测,及早发现鼠疫疫情,采取防制措施。方法 采用笼日法捕鼠,对捕获的活鼠进行分类鉴定,采其肝脾及血清检测F1抗体和检蚤,并计算鼠密度、染蚤率、蚤指数等。结果 家栖鼠主要为褐家鼠和黄胸鼠,野栖鼠主要为黄毛鼠和板齿鼠;室内外平均鼠密度分别为7.46%和2.90%。家栖鼠平均染蚤率42.00%,总蚤指数为1.19,鼠体寄生蚤以印鼠客蚤占绝对优势。结论 虽然历史疫区的宿主和媒介种类构成保持稳定,密度低,且媒介蚤指数呈下降的趋势,但仍应开展监测工作,及时发现异常信号,采取必要措施,防止鼠疫复燃。

关键词: 鼠疫监测, 宿主, 媒介, 种类

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