Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control

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Species Investigation on Ectoparasitic Gamasid mites on Rattus flavipectus from 25 Counties in Yunnan of China

LUO Li-pu; GUO Xian-guo; QIAN Ti-jun; WU Dian; MEN Xing-yuan; DONG Wen-ge   

  1. Laboratory of Vector and Pathogen, College of Basic Medicine, Dali University, Dali 671000, China
  • Online:2006-10-20 Published:2006-10-20



  1. 1大理学院基础医学院媒介与病原生物研究室 大理671000;2大理学院教育科学学院;3汕头大学医学院

Abstract: Objective To understand species composition of gamasid mites on the body surface of Rattus flavipectus(a dominant species of domestic rats in Yunnan,China) and species diversity.Methods Twenty-five counties(towns) in Yunnan province were chosen to investigate the ectoparasitic gamasid mites on the body surface of R.flavipectus.All the individuals ofR.flavipectus were randomly captured by mouse-traps and the gamasid mites on the body surface of R.flavipectus were all collected.Every individual of the gamasid mites was mounted on a glass slide after the dehydration and clarification in a conventional way.The mounted specimens of the gamasid mites were finally identified under a microscope.Results(18 250) gamasid mites were collected from the body surface of(3765) captured ratsR.flavipectus and all the mites were identified as 40 species of 17 genera in 9 families.Of the 40 species of gamasid mites,three gamasid mite species(Laelaps nuttalli,L.echidninus and O.rnithonyssus bacoti were the dominants.L.nuttalinushas(10 667) individuals collected((58.45%)) whileL.echidninus (5124)((28.08%)) andO.bacoti(1286)((7.05%)).37 species of gamasid mites are found in the southwest mountainous subregion in zoogeography with three dominant species,L.nuttalli((51.74%)),L.echidninus((29.74%)) and O.bacoti((11.40%)).In comparison with the species in the southwest mountainous subregion of Yunnan,less species of the mites(25 species) are collected in the southern mountainous subregion of Yunnan with two dominant mite species,L.nuttalli((64.35%)) and L.echidninus((26.61%)).Conclusion The ectoparasitic gamasid mite species onR.flavipectus in Yunnan province are very abundant and the species compositions of the gamasid mites are different in different zoogeographical regions.

摘要: 目的了解黄胸鼠体表寄生性革螨的种类组成及物种多样性。方法调查当晚用鼠笼加食饵诱捕小型哺乳动物(小兽),次晨收集所捕获小兽,并分类鉴定出黄胸鼠。从黄胸鼠体表检查、采集所有革螨,用霍氏液(Hoyer’ssolution)封片,制成革螨玻片标本,经干燥透明后于光学显微镜下鉴定螨种。结果1990-2004年在云南省境内共调查25个县(市),捕获黄胸鼠3765只,从其体表采集到革螨18 250只,经分类鉴定隶属于9科17属40种。在40种革螨中,纳氏厉螨、毒厉螨和柏氏禽刺螨3种采集数量最多,其中纳氏厉螨10 667只(58.45%),毒厉螨5124只(28.08%),柏氏禽刺螨1286只(7.05%)。在动物地理分布中,西南山地亚区采集到革螨37种,以纳氏厉螨(51.74%)、毒厉螨(29.74%)和柏氏禽刺螨(11.40%)为主;滇南山地亚区采集到革螨25种,以纳氏厉螨(64.35%)和毒厉螨(26.61%)为主。结论云南省黄胸鼠体表寄生革螨种类丰富,物种多样性高,不同动物地理区域的革螨种类组成存在差异。

关键词: 蜱螨亚纲, 革螨, 黄胸鼠, 种类组成, 云南