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Study on Isolation,Identification and Toxicity to Inset Larve of Bacillus Thuringiensis in the Shen NongJia Primitive Forest Aera,Hubei Province

ZHANG Ling-yao*; YUAN Ping; ZHANG Yong-mei; et al   

  1. Health and Anti-Epidemic Station of Hubei Province, Wuhan 430079
  • Online:2001-08-20 Published:2001-08-20



  1. 1湖北省卫生防疫站 武汉430079;2新加坡国立大学;3中国科学院武汉病毒研究所

Abstract: Objective:To investigate Bacillus Thuringiensises in the Shen Nong Jia primitive forest area,Hubei province.Method:Normal bioassay.Result:The two isolates(A3 and B4) which belong to Bt H3abc and Bt H7 were more toxic to larvae of heliothis armigera than that of Bt HD-1.The toxicity of them is respectively 2.98 and 4.26 times that of Bt HD-1;The two isolates(C5 and C6) which belong to Bt H7 were more toxic to larvae of spodoptera litura and spodotera exigua;The two isolates(F3and F8) which belong to Bt H14 were more toxic to larvae of Culex fatigans.And the toxicity of them is respectively 13.7 and 16.4 times that of Bt HD-567.Conclusion:It was reported that B.t was isolated and identified from the region.This provides the good basis of future studying and applying the new microbiopesticides.

摘要: 目的:调查湖北神农架原始森林苏云金芽孢杆菌(简称B.t)天然资源,以期发现新的B.t亚种或毒力特异性菌株。方法:B.t的分离采用热处理筛选法,高毒力菌株的筛选采用常规生物测定程序。B.t亚种鉴定采用血清学反应和常规生理生化反应方法。结果:从神农架原始森林160份不同生态类型的土壤样品中,共分离出B.t18株,从中筛选出8株高毒力菌株,较国内对棉铃幼虫高毒力生产菌株HD-1而言,菌株A3、B4、C5、C6、D2和E6对夜娥科3种害虫(棉铃幼虫、斜纹夜蛾、甜菜夜蛾)均具有相对较高毒力,其中A3、B4对棉铃幼虫具显著高毒力水平,毒力指数分别为2.98和4.26,C5和C6对斜纹夜娥和甜菜夜蛾有较高毒力,菌株F3和F8对致倦库蚊较国内生产高毒株HD-567有相对较高的毒力水平,毒力指数分别为13.7和16.4,经生理生化反应和血清学反应鉴定,A3属于H3abc型,F3和F8属H14型,A3、B4、C5、C6、D2、E6属H7型。结论:神农架原始森林高毒力B.t菌株分离,进一步丰富了我国B.t的天然资源,具有较高的科学研究价值和广阔的应用开发前景。

关键词: 苏云金芽孢杆菌, 菌株分离, 血清型, 生物测定