ISSN 1003-8280 CN 10-1522/R 中国疾病预防控制中心 主办
Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control
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Yi Jianrong; Fang Ling; Hu Yongcheng; et al
易建荣1; 方苓1; 胡永成1; 黄浩泉2; 钟向明2
Abstract: Objective: To explore the ecological characteristics and control strategy of the rodents left at the advanced rodents control city. Methods: Catch the rats with the glue-rat-board , and then identify the rats. Result: R.norvegicus was dorminant species. The width of population niche of R.norvegicus was the largest (i.e. 0.939). The overlap value of population niche were higher between R.norvegicus and M.musculus, between R.norvegicus and R.flavipectus. Conclusion: It can make a good effect on rodents control with integrated commensal rodent management with rodent poof measure as a leading role.
摘要: 目的:探索灭鼠先进城市残存鼠生态现状及其防制对策。方法:选择城区内不同类型环境,采用粘鼠胶捕鼠,进行鼠种鉴别。结果:试验区内仍以褐家鼠为优势鼠种。一般单位鼠类的多样性和均匀度较高,种群生态位宽度以褐家鼠最大,为0.939。种群生态位重叠值以褐家鼠与小家鼠、褐家鼠与黄胸鼠之间较高。结论:针对残存鼠的生态特征,采用以防鼠设施为主的综合防制技术,能把鼠害控制在最低水平。
关键词: 残存鼠, 防制, 群落结构
Yi Jianrong; Fang Ling; Hu Yongcheng; et al. Ecological Characteristics and Control Strategy of theRodents Left in the National Health City[J]. Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control.
易建荣1; 方苓1; 胡永成1; 黄浩泉2; 钟向明2. 国家卫生城市的残存鼠生态特征及其防制对策[J]. 中国媒介生物学及控制杂志.
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