Chines Journal of Vector Biology and Control

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A New Species of the Genus Coenosia from Neimenggu Autonomous Region,China (Diptera:Muscidae)

Tian Zhaofeng   

  1. Health and Anti-Epidemic Station of Neimenggu Autonomous Region, Huhehaote 010020
  • Online:2000-08-20 Published:2000-08-20



  1. 内蒙古自治区卫生防疫站 呼和浩特010020

Abstract: This paper describes a new species of the Genus coenosia Meigen from Neimenggu Autonomous Region, China. The type specimen is deposited in the Health and Anti-epidemic Station of Neimenggu Autonomous Region. Coenosia erdosica sp.nov.(Figs.1-3)This new species is similar to Coenosia ambulans Meigen,1826,but differs from the latter in propleural bristles 2;r4+5 and m1+2 both parallel;legs almost wholly yellow;and apparente different of form of terminalia.Holotype ♂, Yijinhuoluo county, Neimenggu Autonomous Region, 109°50′E,39°20′N, 1 400m,wilderness,03-Ⅶ-1979,collected by Tian Zhaofeng.

摘要: 本文报道了采自内蒙古伊金霍洛旗的秽蝇属1新种,命名为鄂尔多斯秽蝇Coenosia erdosica sp.nov。模式标本保存于内蒙古自治区卫生防疫站。

关键词: 双翅目, 蝇科, 秽蝇属, 新种